Dear Indiegogo Jolla Tablet backer,
We have just recently sent emails to all people in the Tablet refund program, with the same information as below. If you did not receive the email, because your email address has changed etc. please follow the instructions below. Also if you are among the early Indiegogo contributors who will receive a Jolla Tablet, you will get an invitation to the Jolla Shop soon and the tool will notify you of this.
As described in our previous blog post we are now proceeding with refunds for the Jolla Tablet. In order to facilitate this, we kindly ask you to visit our Tablet refund processing tool and fill in your personal contribution information.
This tool will be available from 16.March.2016 and Jolla will keep it open at least until 16.April.2016. At that point, Jolla will assess whether or not to extend for a short period of time the availability of the tool. After this, the tool will be closed and Jolla will no longer be accepting refund requests.
What you need to do:
Page 1:
1. Fill in your original Indiegogo backer email, i.e., the email address you used to make the contribution/contributions. For help with this go here.
2. Add your original contribution/pledge ID that you got when making the contribution. For help on this go here.
Page 2:
1. Here you will see all your contributions, please verify that the info is correct.
2. If you wish to decline the refund, and donate the money to the future of Jolla and Sailfish OS, please tick the box “no refund” here.
3. Fill in your current email address if it is not the same as the one used when making the original Tablet contribution via Indiegogo.
4. If you did not use PayPal to pay for your contribution, you will need to provide us a PayPal ID, i.e. an email address associated with a valid PayPal account*. If you do not have one, you will need to create one here.
(* If you have not used PayPal before, please note that you can use the funds to either buy online with PayPal or withdraw the money.)
Once you have submitted your backer information, and it has been validated, we can then proceed with issuing the refund. Refunds will be processed on a weekly basis and seeing as there will be international money transfers involved, please allow for up to 3 to 4 weeks before you see funds on your PayPal account.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
On behalf of the whole Jolla Team
Q. When will I get my refund?
A. Once you have provided us your details and they are confirmed, we will then process refunds in bulk on a weekly basis. As there are international money transfers involved, this whole process can take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks before you see any funds on your PayPal account.
Q. Will I get refunds for all my contributions?
A. For Indiegogo contributors Jolla will refund 50% of all your contributions (including accessories, updates, shipping) now and 50% later when our financial situation permits that. This was communicated earlier in the Tablet update blog. We aim to keep you apprised of this over time. And, be advised that once you have received the first part of the refund, you do not need to reenter the tool and provide your details again.
Hyvä Jolla Tablet -kampanjan Indiegogo-tukija,
Kerroimme edellisessä blogikirjoituksessamme, että Jolla Tablet -projektin takaisinmaksu etenee ja pääsemme pian toteuttamaan rahojen palautuksia mainittujen ehtojen mukaisesti. Mikäli rekisterissämme oleva sähköpostiosoitteesi on oikein sinulla tulisi olla tämä asia myös postilaatikossasi. Mikäli kuulut ryhmään, joka on saamassa Jolla Tabletin, saat lähiaikoina kutsun Jolla-kauppaan ja alla mainittu työkalu kertoo sinulle tästä.
Prosessin helpottamiseksi tarvitsemme apuasi: pyydämme sinua täyttämään alla mainitut henkilökohtaiset tiedot tätä varten luodussa työkalussa.
Huom! Työkalu on käytössä tästä päivästä (16.3.16) alkaen, ja Jolla pitää sen auki 16.4.16 asti. Kuukauden jälkeen arvioimme tilanteen ja pidämme sen auki tarpeen mukaan. Tämän jälkeen työkalu suljetaan, ja Jolla ei enää ota vastaan takaisinmaksupyyntöjä.
Täytä seuraavat tiedot:
Sivu 1:
1. Sähköpostiosoite, jota käytit alunperin Indiegogossa, kun osallistuit kampanjaan. Ohjeita löytyy täältä.
2. Kampanjatunnus (ID), jonka sait osallistuessasi. Ohjeita löytyy täältä.
Sivu 2:
1. Kun olet täyttänyt sivun 1 tiedot, tässä pitäisi näkyä kaikki kampanjaan sijoittamasi varat. Vahvista tiedot oikeiksi.
2. Mikäli et halua takaisinmaksua ja haluat näin tukea Jollan ja Sailfish OS:n tulevaisuutta rastita “Ei takaisinmaksua”.
3. Mikäli käytät tällä hetkellä jotain muuta sähköpostia kuin aikaisemmin Indiegogossa, täytä se tähän.
3. Jos et käyttänyt Paypalia maksutapana Indiegogossa, niin pyydämme sinua antamaan Paypal-tunnuksesi (sähköposti)*. Käytämme takaisinmaksussa Paypalia, ja jos et ole ennen käyttänyt ko. palvelua, tee tunnus täällä.
(*Jos et ole käyttänyt Paypalia aikaisemmin: Paypalilla voit joko maksaa muita ostoksiasi verkossa tai voit myös nostaa rahat pois palvelusta.)
Kun olet täyttänyt kaikki tiedot, voimme edetä maksuvaiheeseen. Suoritamme takaisinmaksuja viikottaisissa erissä, ja koska kyseessä on kansainvälinen rahansiirto, koko prosessi kestää noin 3-4 viikkoa. Tämän jälkeen näet suorituksen PayPal-tililläsi.
Kiitos etukäteen yhteistyöstä!
Koko Jolla-tiimin puolesta,
Usein kysyttyjä kysymyksiä:
K. Koska voin odottaa rahojeni palautuvan?
V. Kun olet täyttänyt tiedot lomakkeeseen, käsittelemme palautuksia viikoittaisissa kokonaisuuksissa. Koska kyseessä on kansainvälinen rahaliikenne, koko prosessi kestää noin 3-4 viikkoa, jonka jälkeen rahanpalautukset näkyvät PayPal-tililläsi.
K. Saanko palautuksen nyt täysimääräisenä?
V. Indiegogo-kampanjaan osallistuneet saavat ensivaiheessa 50% rahanpalautuksen kaikista hankinnoistaan (sisältäen lisävarusteet ja kuljetuksen). Toinen 50% maksetaan kun Jollan taloudellinen sen mahdollistaa. Tästä kerroimme aikaisemmassa blogikirjoituksessamme. Pyrimme pitämään sinut tietoisena miten asia etenee. Huomioithan, että kun olet saanut ensimmäisen osan palautuksesta, sinun ei tarvitse täyttää tietojasi uudestaan.
Hmm. I’ve got ‘pending shipment’. So I’ll be getting a tablet after all. 😀
I’ve got the same message, ‘pending shipment’. I understood that we would receive a message when we actually wood receive the tablet. Since I did not get this message, I ordered an other tablet.
So I don’t need the tablet any more. Is it still possible to cancel the indiegogo order, so that the tablet can go to someone who actually wants the tablet?
Maybe wait for it to arrive and sell it to someone? 😉 E.g. I know many people who would be extremely happy to get one.
I would not mind to sell mine, but I’d have to receive it first. Might be a good idea to make a topic for people who want to sell/buy.
Good idea. I made a community wiki:
I’m rather have the tablet, but was offered a refund ~ so would be happy to receive Arjons tablet. Could this happen?
Me too, ‘pending shipment’, but didn’t receive an invitation yet. Finally, a ray of hope for a happy ending 🙂
pending shipment here, too. Does anyone know if I’ve to fill in any refund information in this case?
Hi arisel. I the tool says “pending shipment” then you don’t need to fill in anything. You should be receiving a tablet soon.
Uhm, I am too in the “Pending shipment” status. However, I did not receive any other notification of the fact I will actually receive the tablet, or request to pay taxes. Is this normal? Or should I check my spam folder (again)?
Same thing here. I did ask @JollaHQ about it on Thursday (24.03) in reply to the original tweet (… So far now answer.
There were 4 Easter holidays (Fri-Mon) in Finland, let’s see tomorrow.
In my opinion the answer is short and simple (they should know their process), but who knows… maybe 1 tweet is to short for that :))
Hi Alexander. I now replied to your tweet, sorry for the delay. So I say it here too: if your status is “pending shipment” you do not need to fill in the refund tool.
thx. Looking forward for the invitation email now.
JuhaniLassila, How do I get a tablet ? I want a Jolla tablet not a refund. Don’t point me to chinese websites please.
I got my invitation and finalized the order 🙂
The last blog entry earlier this month got many comments: NO PAYPAL!
You are just ignoring this? Why do you force us to use a “service” we don’t want? Why can’t we get our money the same way we paid it? I live in Europe, a SEPA money transfer would be fine for me.
Even worse, not even providing a rationale for why they’re ignoring it! Please provide better options for how to receive the refund!
Paypal is not acceptable.
+1 I supported the privacy aware tablet with SFOS without paypal. How can I get my refund without paypal account?
i got my tablet from taobao und just don’t understand what jolla is doing (beside worst communication ever!).
the tablet is perfect and it makes me even madder that it ends like that…
the otherhalf seems to be abondoned even it was a really cool thing and the best tablet of 2015 is just out the reach for most iggbacker..
why did you even sell more tablets in august? i just can’t get it…
this is how you destroy your reputation.
really sad all this.
done… sad that it had to end like that! hope there will be an other project like that. (a succesfull one! 😉 )
+ 1
refund request worked OK for my 3 cotributions.
Hi, I filled all information and the list of pledges, show “Pending Shipment”. Does this mean I’ll receive my Jolla Tablet? <3
"Remaining" field also show 0,00.
Hi lzaccaria. Yes that is what it exactly means.
Thank you!!! <3
Why the refund process does not include the shipping costs?
In my recap page, is listed.
FYI: “and 50% later when our financial situation permits that” is called bad faith. The previous blog promised by the end of 2016, so just go ahead and prepare for yet another round of kvetching and gripes about Jolla yet again backing away from promises.
Hi hasteur. We have said that this will happen within a year. And in all good faith.
I was\am extremely unhappy with Jolla’s non-performance for all the months of the Tablet fiasco. However I feel you’re being a bit harsh. I filled in the Website and they claim they’ll refund.
I’ll give them one more chance to do something right…..
Well I don’t see that the company will still exist till end of the year. There is no official hardware, just a proprietary OS which just tries to be an Android clone and get an market share. Nothing left of an privacy aware and community driven alternative :-/
Short: I would be really surprised if we will get the second part of our money back…
Ofc it’s kinda late for this, but i’d like a feature where one could take the first 50% of the payback, and the other half would stay with Jolla.
As a student i’m in desperate need for money, but i would also like to support Jolla.
I agree, a partial refund leaving the other part to support Jolla (maybe not even 50:50) might be an option a few more people might consider – instead of all-or-nothing.
Hi. In the second refund part you will have the option to leave it with Jolla. We will come back to that then.
+1: I have been thinking the same, i.e. turn half my pledge into a contribution for SailfishOS work, which is actually what happened in fact. Good that JuhaniLassila was able to respond to this one.
Look guys, I get this email, spend some time figuring how the fuck I log in, and then I get this unexpected “Pending Shipment”. Well, let me explain one thing, fix your communication, I did not know I was expecting a tablet, and I’ve read a few others did not either. And after all that Jolla did I don’t really want the tablet anymore.. Yeah I can sell it, but you figured a way to somehow offload all your issues onto your customers.
No I am not amused.
Hi SimondelaCourt. Sorry for the inconvenience. We have been working on all streams in this project’s last phase at the same time, and we needed to get this message out now – unfortunately we could not send the invitations to the shop before this because of technical reasons (which would have been logical of course). There are a lot of people who want the Jolla Tablet, so I’m sure you won’t have trouble in selling the device if you really do not wish to keep it.
Sad that I didn’t get the tablet, maybe one in the future. 🙂
Good Luck Jolla-team, I still prefer Sailfish OS to current alternatives and I’d love to see a premium product running Sailfish native.
Who pays the Paypal chargeds?
Sorry should read who pays the charges, but I can’t edit the post.
Hi mariner. Jolla pays for the Paypal charges.
I’d rather get a tablet but I received the mail for refund instructions. When I fill in all the informations, I have the 3 pledges from Indiegogo but nothing about the tax I paid last October, is that normal ?
Hi jefrel80. Thanks for the note, we will check this and get back to you through email.
Hi Juhani, thanks for your answer. I found out that the status of the pledges is on “Pending Shipment” now. Can’t remember if it was the same yesterday as I didn’t submit for the refund.
It’s kind of confusing. Can you confirm if I will finally receive a tablet or if it’s a mistake then should I use the link I received by mail to submit a ticket to Jolla zendesk? Thanks again.
Does anybody need a Latsu Jolla tablet case in Kelo grey and black leather? It really looks cool! I don’t think, that I’ll get a tablet anymore… 😉 Ordered it separately from igg campaign to get my hands on the tablet somehow earlier…
I do need a Latsu case, actually and would be interested to buy it from you. Would you like to contact me? h u b a t
Hi, do still have this latsu case? I would be interested.
Hi. You can order Lastu cases here:
Refund tool works perfectly. All my contributions are summarized with the correct amount of money. The paypal-only-option is not that good, but it’s mentioned in the tool, that it eases (and maybe accelerates) the process of refund.
Now that the refunds have started, what is the nice surprise that was promised in an earlier post? The refund itself?
Didn’t you get the memo? It’s the JWatch coming soon!
First of all – thanks to Jolla – despite all problems you keep sailing
@all I really don’t get the point of the people who are always complaining – doesn’t matter what happens and what Jolla tries to do.
I’m with you that the tablet thing has been a desaster in proceeding and in communication – we all got it.
From then…
if they are announcing that they will ship and refund but it will take some time to figure things out – after two days people calling them liars and the whole thing a scam and …
if they are announcing you that you’ll receive a refund but it’s somehow only possible by using PayPal – you calling them names for using such a demonic service (you really think Santander, Deutsche Bank or Lloyds are any better?)
Hey they could have gone bankrupt (most companies would have done that – it’s far more economic) and you’ll never have seen a single cent or penny of your money again … So stop complaining, be happy that you didn’t loose everthing by investing in an idea go to next pub an get a beer …
Btw I’m still sad that I’m not among the 540 lucky guys getting the tablet and taobao stock seems finished (or overpriced) …
Seriously. How many failed crowdfunding campaigns have actually refunded backers? It’s gotta be almost zero. Not that that gives anyone an excuse to scam people, but Jolla has been through dire straights, almost bankrupt, and they’re still doing their best to refund everyone ASAP. And keep the ship afloat as well.
People demanding that they refund *everyone* immediately don’t seem to get that they literally don’t have the money – probably don’t really have the money for this half of the refunds either but they know they need to regain the goodwill of the community.
Hi Nition. Thanks for your support, we really appreciate that! We are seriously doing our best to recover and find the best way out of this failed campaign. We of course understand that people are frustrated (and so are we!). Thanks again!
I have just followed the instructions for the reimbursement, and I just wanted to leave a comment, although I know it is useless…
I am really disappointed. This is the second campaign that I follow at Indiegogo willing to have an open source software mobile device.
The first, carried on by a different “Company”, had a very high goal, and therefore was not achieved, but the reimburse was kind of fast.
This time with Jolla, the wait has been tremendous. I realized a wile after contributing, that the idea was to finance Sailfish 2.0, which is a good aim, but not what we contributed for.
Jolla, why did you put such a low money goal that, even exceeding it by a big amount, still the money was not enough to develop the tablet? This is a disastrous way of doing your financial numbers. Being that the case, I understand that you almost bankrupt… not surprise at all. Come on guys, I was very excited about your project and getting involved, but now you have a lot of people sad about it. What a way of breaking the dreams of the people.
Even though, you are planning to reimburse half the money, and the other half (it seems that you like this sentence) later… lets see… Not happy at all. I really hopped that, after all this, I would at the end get my tablet, very late, outdated and expensive for its hardware, but at least, a tablet running sailfish OS.
Unfortunately, I did not get my tablet on time, nor now, and neither will I get it in the future. I doubt that I will never participate in any of Jolla’s projects and particularly, never to buy a Jolla device. 🙁
A sad ex-Jolla enthusiast
Hi Tristan85. Thanks for commenting. We are of course also very sad that the project ended this way, and if you read the previous blog posts you can understand the main reasons for why it happened. I hope that you (and others) also understand that Jolla did not do this on purpose, as many frustrated people are implying here. Our intentions have always been honest, and we were serious about delivering Sailfish OS tablets to you guys. We’ve just been forced to do some decisions to keep the Jolla boat moving that were not favorable for the Jolla Tablet project. I hope that we regain your trust later. Thanks for all your support!
@Juhani Every time you post articles/replies about why the tablet failed, it looks like it wasn’t Jolla who failed…
It’s long time ago, when I felt some ‘yeah mobile Linux!’ spirit here, but since I noticed at MWC2015 that jollas priority is a different one… I’m just asking myself why I ever believed in this idea of the maemo folks…
THx for blog post. Please refund all fully so we can start Support you again.
Thanks for getting the refund process up and running, Jolla. An thanks for giving refunds to Indiegogo backers, despite us realising we were backing a potential product and not buying a completed one. I wish I could give the money as a donation to you and support you, but unfortunately, I just can’t afford to do that.
Anyway, I hope the next stage of Jolla/Sailfish development is less rocky than this one!
Hi otispjivefunk. Thanks a lot for your support! We hope so too 🙂
You should thank the Finnish lawyers that gave Jolla the ultimatum. After Jolla revealed how they spent the money there was no possibility of keeping the money at least not with out a gesture of trying to return the money 50% at first and then we’ll see what happens. What really sucks is that the lesson Jolla learned from this was to be less open in the future.
I doubt it’s possible to be “less open” than Jolla’s performance with the Tablet. 🙂
I’ll admit, however that they have made a bigger effort to communicate recently – now that its too late!
I want to take of my hat to all of you who worked there asses of at Jolla and made this refund process happened and still standing up to the cause of making the best Mobile OS. I’m really sad to see such a mutiny from fellow sailors but to be honest you will always find out who are dear the cause when you have fallen and those who hold there hands to make you rise again. I just made my mind to 100% support Jolla by not using my refund opportunity. Hopefully this little contribution helps you sailing a bit farther towards the cause. Ship Ahoy!!!
Hi MalvanK. Thanks a million for your support, it means a lot for us!
To be clear you should be thanking Finish lawyers who advised Jolla to do this. It was not Jolla’s decision.
To be honest who wouldn’t seek advice from there lawyers in how to adress such a difficult task? But lets be true, should this have happened in the states by an American company you wouldn’t have seen a dime of your money. It really puzzles me even now that you get your money back your are complaining whats the purpose of that? I don’t know your situation is but you don’t know everyones else either (neither do yo have all answers about what happened) so try to be a little thankful instead and be glad that Jolla tries to make this refund happened. After all you get your money back.
For those of us who selected the combo as perk, what option should I have taken ? The perk is partial delivered so a partial refund would be correct, but there is no option for that. (I took full refund for now)
Hi. This is a known issue and we’re working on it!
The current refund setup offers to pay me for the upgrade combo, meaning for the phone I already received. This cannot really be.
Hi tschaggelar. We noticed this yesterday, and we are fixing this now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi there,
I also did the combo perk 9th of december 2014, I included money for shipping in the combo perk, (488 USD) and received the Jolla phone december 2014.
I did the 64 GB upgrade 25$ 7th of february 2015.
Then I did, on Jollas asking, the shipment for the tablet 20$ on 24th of march.
Now on my refund page it counts these three items, but on shipping it says status ‘shipped’, which is clearly not the case, otherwise there would be no refund case.
Particularly the shipping costs, which have been paid upon Jollas request indicating that the project was on track and shipment was nearing, should be refunded fully. At least not subtracted from the refund amount, as it stands right now.
I will wait for a correction to this please, before submitting my refund request.
Hi Steen. I send you an email about this, pls check it. Thanks.
Anyone was able to change the PayPal account? I am unable to change mine.
jbernardo, It allowed me to put any email in for the pay pal email. It was blank.
Mine was filled up, it is the same as my campaign email, and it won’t let me change it. Unfortunately, that PayPal account was created when I lived in another country so I can’t tie it to a bank account.
I think you missed something: It’s possible to make a contribution at indiegogo without an account! How can I receive my pledge number in this case?
Hi jhasse. I emailed you about this, pls check that!
Could you email me the same information?
I spent a long time looking but I seem to have no communication from Indiegogo, though I find my credit card charge from the time. So I probably also made my contribution without having an account. Thanks.
Hi gtallan. Absolutely we’ll do that.
Hallo ! How to proceed if I don’t want refund and if someone reject Jolla tablet – to receive it ?
Hi Ivan-oxp. If someone will reject the Jolla Tablet, we will move chronologically and offer it to the next in line. We need to be fair to everyone and respect the order of contributions.
Is there any way to tell where we are in the order? I’d love to get a tablet, and I *did* pledge for it within hours of the crowdfunding going active, but I see I’ve gotten a refund email now. If I’m close enough it’s possible, I’d love to know!
P.S. best wishes to you and all the other sailors; I know this must be very tough on many levels.
Juhanni, you already not chronological.
How you choosed the people who will get the tablets? Why not in order of contributions?
I was SOOO hoping to see that “Pending Shipment” notice. Now looks like I won’t get my tablet, despite being one of the first contributors (#32, judging by the IGG counter).
Eh, they still ignoring Russia. Everybody get an answer at this post, still not we are. WTF? Let’s contact Grigory Berezkin to ignore them in the response.
You are so insanely unpleasant bunch of a-holes, unbelievable. I am following the whole drama since hour 0 (owner of n900, n9 and “I am the first one”-Jolla). Your whole management of this situation is soo fucking unbelievable. I need to fuck mouseover over indiegogo page to find my “pledge id”.. are you fucking kidding me?
Maybe these are the next steps to order your phone? It will result in a great wave of new orders..
Really, you should be digging a deep hole and hide in it. You were once started to create a new UX. And now you are forcing literally thousands of people to go over your ridiculous process of login, mouse hovering noting numbers to get their money, which you collected and illegally spent on an Software update for a HW you are not willing to pay in the end, so the software update is totally senseless as well. So all in all you are creating a big bunch of timewasting for a huge number of people in most unpleasant way.
In this process you sacrifices 50% of your employees and lost through infamous messages to “the community” a big number of fans.
I thought Nokia was stupid hiring “the mole” but after this debacle I am not so sure if high dosage of pulsed microwaves from mobile phones is not causing a intelligence drop.
Sorry, but this needed to get out.
This “PR-Guy” talked some post ago about some “surprise” was it this ridiculous long instruction for claiming my money..? Surprise my ass..
I still support your cause, because you are the only hope, but jesus, incompetence should have a limit as well..
Hi PeterParker. Thanks for your feedback. We understand your frustration, and have to say that we are frustrated too that the project ended like this. Unfortunately we ended up in financial trouble, and needed to make moves to save the Jolla boat, which were not in favor for the Jolla Tablet project. As a small team we are now doing our best to finalize the project and refund all you guys – with limited resources we need to ask you to help us here, and getting the pledge ID was one of those. We apologize if this is inconvenient for you, but it is simply impossible for us to start to do all this manually (or then you’d need to wait a loooong time).
I also hope that you understand that we are doing our best here with our small team, and it is a tough job trying to please everybody. Thanks for your support btw, it means a lot to us.
I guessing your in “the know” somehow.. what about ubuntu or perhaps there is some other OS you are aware of? Do you have a blog, or can you suggest on on open source small tablet devices?
In tablet refund “page” I have only 2 pledge IDs, not 4….for latsu case and 64gb yes, but not for Jolla Tablet and shipping….What can I do?
Hi duleman. We’ll check your situation and get back to you through email.
I got my refund email today. I wanted the tablet bad (at least until I realized there would be so few that there would be very little dev for it). Consequently I am now the proud owner of a Surface Pro 2 that is about to get Arch forced upon it!
Forgot to mention, Turing Phone looks sick, might try again with SFOS when that comes out.
On behalf of everyone & especially your ex-communtity: Fuck you I don’t want a “paypal” account. I’d rather spend the money suing you.
refund in two parts?! it’s a fuc**** joke?! after 15 months You will getback my refund in two parts?!
Dear Jolla team!
In my personal opinion, you’re doing a great job in trying really hard to keep your company alive. The fact that you managed to really built up a refund process is amazing. This is much, much more than what other crowdsourced projects manage to do, when they realize, that they can’t keep their promise. Once you’re through this and once all the frustrated people that – of course – would have done everything so much better if they were in your position have shut up, I see a bright future ahead of you. After all, the world needs an alternative to the overpriced, patronizing iPhones, malware ridden android and windows phone with its ugly user interface. Keep on sailing!
I’d shut up if they had done like these guys - – who are offering a full refund in 48 hours. I might even still be a Jolla supporter (not deluded as some, but still a supporter).
I still want the tablet! 🙁
Other stuff I’ve supported through indiegogo that has flopped, just gave me a refund directly through indiegogo. Why are you not able to do the same thing?
If you had to create a PayPal account just for this, consider throwing some of your refund to your favorite web-cartoonist/artist/who-ever-produces-something-you-like.
I try to log on, but every time I click continue from the main page (after filling e/mail and pledge ID, the pledge ID get erased, and I get an error message that I have to fill it in. Like this
“This field is required.
A Pledge ID is an identifier that is associated with a contribution you made.”
Managed to get to the page after trying so many times, it blocked, and got a link in a mail. Too bad I could not convert my contribution to stocks in Jolla. I would have done that, but not just give the money away. I mean, seriously…
Received the refund email on March 16. I just submitted my refund request. As a reference, I contributed on indiegogo on Nov 23, 2014. Good luck, guys.
Being asked if I may donate my refund for further developments … I should have an idea what further plans there are. And I may only want donate a part of the refund. Now it is just all or nothing.
If someone has the “Pending Shipment” status and doesn’t want it anymore -> I would be delighted to take it.
In case you would like to sell yours, please contact me (
another Lastu Case available here, as I won´t get the tablet. Please contact me if you are interested.
I received the refund email March 16th. I have just completed and submitted the refund tool. The tool was a little cumbersome to use, but not beyond the wit of man. I contributed on Nov 19th, 2014, Dec 3rd 2014 and Jan 29th 2015.
Good luck to you all.
@JuhaniLassila I am glad you learned your lession: talking to the people. Thumbs up! 🙂
Ah, such a pity really. I received my tablet on Friday. What a great product! SailfishOS really shines on this device. You can tell where all the work went into during 2015.
It must be a really frustrating experience for all sailors to see it end like this. The product is a witness of the compassion they put into it.
I really hope someday we’ll get another chance to see SailfishOS break the confines of narrow phone screens and show to the world how it has grown up.
You have some balls to ask a donation without giving anything in return. You are not a wellfare organisation. You are in this business to make money and if you can’t do it do it without donations you should quit. You maybe even breaking some Finnish money collection laws…
I decided to support Jolla and not get a refund. During this journey I have got a lot in return.
… and after all I want the money. I’m going for the Eve “Pyramid Flipper”.
Just a moment ago I provided my data for the refund. Still, I’d rather receive those items than the refund:
64GB Jolla Tablet and Mapbagrag.
These options should be separately for rounds 1 and 2:
I wish to receive a refund for the items described above.
No refund: I prefer to support Jolla and not get a refund.
Will the refunds start coming on April 17th? Or whenever the refund tool is closed?
Got mine the 18.3. Love it, thank you very very much.
Thank you, small Jolla crew, for pushing this through.
Still after reading your (partly lacking) communications and all comments in this site, I don’t get all this whining. Disappointed, yes, but things went south this time, let’s try to learn and build new vision with smart steps.
Time to look forward and secure more license deals. World really need more secure and privacy aware devices and I would like to see also open Sailfish tablet some day in the future.
For us ‘pending shipment’ people, have you got any info on when you’ll be shipping the tablets? I haven’t got an email asking to confirm/finalise my order yet.
“Pending Shipment” status on Tablet refund page and my IGG contribution email was sent 19 Nov 2014 19 09:31:48 UTC.
Today I got an email with subject: “Jolla Shop: confirmation for your order #140000039X”. So I still may have some hope to get the tablet !?
ROFL. My igg contribution was 9:20 UTC. And i got email about refund only. Why jolla turns away from real supporters?
My contribution was 9:13UTC and I received my tablet yesterday.. Its for sale now. Try to find it in Finnish auction site if wanted 🙂
32 or 64gb version?
Received my 64GB Jolla Tablet last Thursday!
I am interested too.
Hi. I’ve still had nothing about finalising my order or whatever. Could you let me know when this is going to happen? It’d be nice to know so I can plan the rest of my life. 😉
I’ll get the refund and donate it all to FSF.
Sorry but I think they deserve it more than you do.
Hello Jolla Team,
as i see, there is still big interest for the tablet.
What i not understand is, why Jolla did not allow the chinese manufactorer to build and sell more Tablets (and act as reseller in Europa).
Jolla will not build hardware again (so the manufactorer is not a competitor for this business).
Jolla can give them a SailfishOS version without license protected Software (like Alien Dalvik and Here).
So more developer can/will make native apps for SailfishOS (to fill the Jolla and openprepo app store) and this is essential for the the next (x86 based) SailfishOS tablet.
I did not know if Jolla is able to differ between own and chinese tablets, but it should be possibile if then chinese tablets change the serial number (or some thing like that).
the lack of any cooperation between the manufactorer and jolla implicts for me that the manufactorer is pissed. i also don’t get why they didn’t buy the tablets back to distribute some more to the igg backers. i bought one at taobao and this tablet is awesome and could easily sell much more if it would be produced. if there is a possibility to make money and both (manufactorer and jolla) refuse to do this i guess there is a problem in the relationship between them….
The tablets are for sell a company in India bought them up. The cost is around the same as the contribution. The url to it is in these blogs somewhere.
Was this tablet-business a scam from early beginning ?
No refound seems to be possible to achive due to I don´t get my Pledge ID.
I can see my contributions, and Wiev Details on Indiegogo.
Nov 19 2014 – Jolla Tablets for early sailors
Nov 19 2914 – Shipping
JAn 30 2105 – 64 GB upgrade to Early Birds
All of it payed trough PayPal.
hello JuhaniLassila,
Plz let me know if i paid for jolla tab through credit card and i dnt have PayPal account email. then should i kept empty or what….
hello,i paid through credit card while ordered jolla tab. now when i am seeing on tablet refund page there we need to add paypal account. not getting as i do not have this account.kindly help or suggest me what to do..
One Jolla Tablet 32GB was sold today in finnish HuutoNet for 440 EUR.
And I was once again late…
Hi JuhaniLassila,
What should the people with ‘pending shipment’ do? Do we just wait until we receive a communication from you? We don’t have an option on the refund portal to do anything.
Hi. Yes you should be getting an invitation to the Jolla Shop to finish your order soon. No need to do anything in the refund tool.
The Zendesk link that provides instructions on getting the one pledge ID is timing out for me. I’m unable to get my one pledge ID. Is the Zendesk link working for anyone else?
Damn, I submitted refund request before I realized that there was “Pending Shipment” line in summary. I want a tablet if possible, not refund. No invitation from JollaShop though?!?
Hi Jani. You will receive the invitation to the Jolla Shop very soon!
I have also submitted my refund request some time ago, but if it happens that I will be selected as the one getting the tablet (due to others rejecting it), will my refund request be automatically cancelled, or what will happen?
So what’s with the return to Russia? I do not blame that also fell under the sanctions on stupidity Russian government. DOES the delay and ignore Russian contributors in connection with this? I March 17, follow the instructions and on my account does not reach any of the shekel! Please Make it clear the situation.
Juhani, how is it in my case? See above in this thread. Or am I too far from the start of the queue?
Status is “Pending Shipment” – Alas! Still no invitation…
How Soon is Now?
Show me the money!
Have patience man, they still have two days left
How many days left?
read the FAQ above!
Don that. Cant say I Trust jollas anymore.
So according to that we svall get money next week and the week after.
Half of it, if we’re lucky. If we are even luckier, we’ll get the other half by the end of the year.
I for one abandoned the refund.
Very sorry, still, that there were no way to e. g. get a rebate on Sailfish-equipped Fairphones for instance, or even one of the ageing phones.
Incidentally, I have a useless wooden cover, that I can send for something like the rounded shipping costs…
According to the instructions:
“Once you have provided us your details and they are confirmed, we will then process refunds in bulk on a weekly basis.”
I submitted my details on 16.3., but it appears that my request hasn’t been confirmed and processed.
Is everything in order?
I also submitted my details 16.3 but no refund yet…
Same here… Could someone who received the refund please leave a comment?
Same here, submitted 16th March, no cash, not a sausage.
Submitted on the 16, got my PayPal account finally changed on the 18, no refund yet. What a feeling of deja vu…
Really anyone of us expected anything in the correct and announced way and term? It seems like another April’s fools day joke from Jolla…..
Its just a scam to get commission from all the new Paypal accounts.
Hi, I just wanted to share that I got invitation to finish the tablet order process today.
Got the tablet today!
Same here… Exciting! 😉 BTW, I guess I am one of the lucky ones anywhere between 500th and 550th in list.
Did I miss something, or isn’t there any way to choose the wood of the lastu case?
The LastuCases for the Indiegogo backers are all made solely with walnut wood.
Thanks MeegoUser.
I hope that is your business quickly runs out! Jola is not a serious company, such an organization can not give confidence! Therefore I advise against both customers and partners to work with scammers!
Has anyone actually received any refund at all?
Hi Iseek. We are publishing a tablet project update here on the blog today talking about this too. We are proceeding well, and refunds will start coming soon.
Hey, in my Jolla account it says that the tablet has been “shipped”. Is this information reliable or does it mean something else?
Hi Alex. I assume you mean the Refund tool giving you a status “Pending shipment”. If you get this you should’ve received an invitation to the Jolla Shop to finalize your order (check your email, also the spam folder). If this is the case and you haven’t received the invitation, please submit a request to Jolla Service and Support here: Thanks.
Refunding is taking too long!