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Jolla Tablet: final deliveries and refund reminders out

April 21: updated with ‘frequently asked questions’ at the end

Dear Jolla Tablet contributors and other Jolla followers

Our small Jolla team here has been working hard to get everything moving properly for  the Jolla Tablet closure effort. There are lots of moving parts both in the device shipment and the refund side of things – we’ve also got a lot of questions and requests from many of you, and we’re trying to help everyone with issues.

Lately we’ve made quite a lot of overall progress, and here’s a quick update on that. Thanks again for your continued patience. 

Jolla Tablet shipments

If you’re among the lucky ones to receive a Jolla Tablet, and you have not yet completed your order in the Jolla Shop, you should have received an email prompting you to complete your order last week. We sent close to 400 new invitations, and most invitees have already done this, but there is still a bunch of you who have not yet acted. So please check your emails (also junk box) for this email and act immediately.

Please complete your order in the shop by April 14, 2016, i.e., by Thursday this week. If you do not complete the order by then, your spot will be given to the next one in line and you will be eligible for a refund.  

After you’ve completed your order it should take anywhere from 2-4 weeks for the device to ship/to be dispatched.  

Refund program: final week to fill in the refund request 

First of all, thanks to all of you who have already submitted your data to the refund tool, this helps us a lot in this process. Close to 75% of all eligible Indiegogo contributors have now done this. 

Yesterday we sent out final reminders to all of you who have not yet submitted your data to the refund tool. Please check your email or read the info from our earlier blog post.

The refund tool will be open until this week Saturday, April 16, 2016. Please submit your details before that date to ensure you are included in the tablet refund process. 

Once we have collected all the information we will proceed with actual payment of the 1st of two (2) refund rounds. A large portion of the 1st round of refund payments should be completed still during this month, and the remainder of the 1st round refund payments we anticipate being carried out during early May 2016.

If you run into any problems using the refund tool, please submit a request to Jolla Service and Support here.

Thanks again for your help and support in finalizing this part of the Jolla Tablet closure effort!

On behalf of the whole Jolla Tablet crew,


I noticed that I’m late with the refund tool submission. What can I do?
We are sorry, Jolla is no longer accepting refund requests. The deadline for submitting refund info for the tablet refund process – Saturday, April 16, 2016 – has passed. This was communicated through email and in our official Jolla Blog here and here.

I do not intend to use Paypal, but still expect a refund from Jolla. What can I do?
PayPal is the service Jolla will be using to execute payments. The only exception to this is if you reside in a country which does not allow PayPal payments from abroad. If this is the case, and assuming you attempted to submit your refund info in good faith prior to the 16.April.2016 deadline, then you may submit a request here.

I only got a partial refund, but I want all my money back (now). Why only half of the refund amount? When will I get the other half?
Jolla aims to refund the total contribution, including shipping and all accessories. Due to financial constraints this will occur in two parts: half of the refund will be remitted early Q2 2016, and, Jolla’s financial situation permitting, the other half within a year of remitting the first part.

I filled in the refund tool already weeks ago. When will I see the refund on my Paypal account?
The first part of the refund will be remitted during early Q2 2016, i.e. during April & May. And, seeing as there will be international money transfers involved, please allow for up to 3 to 4 weeks before you see funds on your PayPal account.

I just could not find the contribution ID anywhere and gave up with it. What, if anything, can I do now?
We are sorry, Jolla is no longer accepting refund requests. The deadline for submitting refund info for the tablet refund process – Saturday, April 16, 2016 – has passed. This was communicated through email and in our official Jolla Blog here and here.



Head of Communications for Jolla. International PR & Communications professional. Music enthusiast. Guitarist and band leader in several bands.


  1. Avatar

    Thanks for the update 🙂

  2. Avatar

    Most information-dense post in a long while! Much appriciated!

    Good to hear the wheels are turning 🙂

  3. Avatar

    This is just a joke! I had the status “shipment pending” when I checked the refund tool first. So I didn’t do anything and happily waited for my invite.
    Just now I read this block post and wonder why I did not get an invite. So checking the refund tool again shows that I’m no longer will be receiving a tablet. I was very likely above the first 100, since I contributed immediately after the start of the campaign. What happened? Is it because 32gb tablets are not available. I filled out the refund toll now to avoid ending up with nothing at all. I patiently waited all this time with no complaints. But I guess now the chronological order does not matter as well. So probably pure chance if anyone will receive a tablet or not.
    Very disappointed!

    • Avatar

      Hi there. Apologies for this, there might be a mixup. I will email you about what to do to check this. There are so many cases, and we are a small team here. Sorry again.

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        I also had “shipment pending” status when I last checked, didn’t receive any e-mail and now when I checked again the status is removed.

        Looking forward to hear from you.

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          Hi Sampsa. Unfortunately there has been slight mixups in the database handling – we will email all people affected by this.

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        I have the same issue as barry.allen. Could you investigate it?

        • Avatar

          Hi. Unfortunately there has been slight mixups in the database handling – we will email all people affected by this.

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        Same problem here. I had the status “Shipment pending” but no invite. After checking again, “Shipment pending” is now gone from the refund tool. What to do?

        • Avatar

          Sorry but where you see that status???
          In indigogo account??

      • Avatar

        Same here. Refund Tool said “Shipment pending” yesterday, today it’s gone.

        Could you please check the actual status for my case too. Thanks.

        • Avatar

          Same here, and you did even answer my question about me having to do sth with no (see comments of last blog post).

          Can you check what I’ve to do now?

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            In case you haven’t heard anything, here’s what i got:


            32 GB devices, or the lack of enough of them, seems to be the issue.

            It looks like we were trying to hold some backers in reserve to compensate for those that did not complete their order in the shop or those that did not want the tablet. It appears we over-compensated.

            For that we apologize.

            So, thank you for completing the refund submission and again our apologies for the poor experience.

            Jolla Customer Care”

            So it seems we are out of luck and once again Jolla made a mistake. I guess they mainly have 64gb tablets, since I was one of the very very early backers.

            • Avatar

              may be true, i did not yet receive sth.

              Indiegogo says i did my contribution then:

              (You can see this more exact timestamp if you take a look into you browser’s developer console while visiting your indiegogo contribution page where normally just the date is displayed. There should be a json-request where you can find the created_at field in the answer.)

            • Avatar

              I’m in the same situation, but I also have a 64 GB perk. Maybe someone from Jolla staff can clarify the situation?

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          I have completed the tool form for the refund in 30/03 but now the status still be nothing… there isn’t any status on my request…

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        Just checked my refund page now, and seems this is the case for me as well 🙁 Now I’m sad, as I had got my hopes up I’d actually be receiving a tablet after all 🙁
        Guess I’ll be submitting the refund request then.

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          Hi cecilie. Yes there has been a slight unfortunate mixup in the database, we will send email about it to everyone affected. Sorry about this!

  4. Avatar

    “Q. When will I get my refund?
    A. Once you have provided us your details and they are confirmed, we will then process refunds in bulk on a weekly basis. As there are international money transfers involved, this whole process can take anywhere – FROM 3 TO 4 WEEKS BEFORE YOU SEE ANY FUNDS ON YOUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT.”

    Once again you are violating time!

    • Avatar

      Yes once again Jolla have not done as they have said. Refunds should have started a week after we filled in details. Suggestions that it takes three to four weeks to fund PayPal are equally nonsense. It need not take this time.

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        Jolla never do. Just play along in their twisted-slow-soon-wayz.

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        Hi ninepine. Thanks for your note. Just to make it clear, this is not nonsense, since there are international money transfers included in the process and the whole project is not a ‘standard procedure’ by any means. Sorry to keep you waiting, but we are moving as fast as we can.

        • Avatar

          Mr. J…
          Most of the money transfers today are international. Actually they are quite simple, you have a unique number and name from your counterpart and then you transfer the funds to that unique number, reciving bank or institution will check if the name and number match. That is basically how it is.

          But feel free to invent bicycle.

        • Avatar

          International money transfers take a few days at most. Two weeks after you closed the refund process your creditors did not agree to I’m still waiting for my money. Where is it please?

  5. Avatar

    nice to hear news about the tablet. But how about the updates to the System. In January You we colud see soon a new Version of SailfishOS.
    Can You give us some news to this?

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      Hi Hiasl. There has been a few critical issues that our dev team have had to solve here. It is under work now, and should be released any time soon.

  6. Avatar

    You should’ve just stick to the phone and outsource the tablet project I just changed back to android because there is no update anywhere near future, and instead improving system for lower specs like jolla phone itself its getting so laggy with the Sailfish OS 2.0. Also alien dalvik is way old already and phone is not getting that update either…

  7. Avatar

    When will the second part of the refund be paid please and what is our legal status vis a vis other creditors of the company in the meantime? Please can you also post a PDF copy of your statutory accounts on the blog.
    In previous posts it was suggested that the company may be insolvent. Can the Board please make a statement whether they consider the company to be a going concern. An Auditor statement to this effect would also be appreciated please. Thanks.

    Mike Fuller

    • Avatar

      Hi. We are currently preparing a statement about our financial status, the future outlook etc. So you’ll have answers soon.

      • Avatar

        Statement issued but still no answers. Just more fluff. Full financial statement from your Finance director please. Where do we rank as creditors? If this were deliberate fraud it would look exactly like this so please stop messing with us and provide proper financial disclosure to your unwitting and involuntary creditors.

  8. Avatar

    Hello, thanks for the update! However, I have tried to ask this a few times, but haven’t seen any answer. If this has been said somewhere, please give a pointer.
    I have filled the refund form and sent it. Am I still eligible for a tablet or not? Am I still in the queue for receiving the tablet, if there are enough of those who do not want the tablet any more?

  9. Avatar

    Jolla-folks, might be worth removing the details about the tablet on the site. Also; how much interest was earned on the funding from Indiegogo?

  10. Avatar

    Olen tilannut kaksi tablettia, toisen itselleni ja toisen tyttärelleni. Toiseen tilasin muistaakseni lisämuistikortin. Haluan saada rahani takaisin. En löytänyt kotisähköpostistani enää “kannatusmaksutunnusta”. Olen joko poistanut maksutunnuksen sisältäneet viestit tai suorittanut tilaukset työsähköpostillani. Juuri nyt en pääse käyttämään työsähköpostiani, koska olen lomalla satojen kilometrien päässä työpaikaltani.

    Haluan muistuttaa, että kysymys on tilauksen ennakkomaksusta eikä “kannatusmaksusta” eikä ainakaan “lahjoituksesta”, niin kuin joissakin viesteissänne ilmaistaan. Ilmoituksenne, että Jolla ei enää 16.4.2016 jälkeen ota vastaan takaisinmaksupyyntöjä tai että kaikkien “Indiegogo-tukijoiden” täytyy käydä läpi monimutkaiset ohjeet onnistuneesti ja selvittää Pledge ID:t saadakseen rahansa takaisin, ei vapauta yhtiötänne rahojen palautusvelvollisuudesta minkään maan lakien mukaan. Paremminkin epäilen, että tuollainen ilmoitus tarkoituksessa vapautua palautusvelvollisuudesta täyttää tuhansiin asiakkaisiin kohdistuvan petoksen tai petoksen yrityksen tunnusmerkistön.

    En usko, ettei yhtiöllänne ole mahdollisuutta selvittää sähköpostiosoitteiden ja tilattujen tavaroiden toimitusosoitteiden perusteella, kenelle pitäisi palauttaa rahoja.

    Odotan yhteydenottoanne.

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      Hei Jekku. Vastasinkin tähän jo tuohon englanninkieliseen viestiisi. Toivottavasti se vastaa kysymyksiisi. Hoidetaan asiat kuntoon!

  11. Avatar

    Good to see that you are alive. Now, show me the money…and then jPhone ll Disc Phone.

  12. Avatar

    I have ordered two tablets from Jolla. I want my money back. I didn’t find my “pledge ID” in my email box. I have removed it from my inbox or perhaps done my subscription with another email address at my workplace. I can’t check my job-email because I am on vacation hundreds of kilometers from my workplace.

    I want to remind that I have purchased and paid two tablets. It is not question about “support-payment” or “gift”.

    Your declaration, that you don’t receive any more refund-claims or that all “Indiegogo-supporters” must follow your complicated directions and find out their own “Pledge-ID’s”, does not free Jolla from the obligation to pay the refunds.

    On the contrary, I think that such a declaration with the intention to get rid of further refund claims is an intentional fraud offending thousands of your customers.

    • Avatar

      Hi Jekku. Thanks for your comment. You will get your money back in the process we have described in our earlier blog posts (based on the financial situation). If you can’t find your pledge ID (like thousands of people have already done), please submit a ticket to our customer care and they we’ll assist you: (choose ‘general request’). I apologize if this process has been inconvenient or complicated for you, but again: as we are very small team handling this unfortunate process, we had to find ways to automate at least parts of it. We realize that locating the pledge ID can be a bit challenging, but as Indiegogo is not our service, we could not make it simpler.

      And I want to make it clear here: we are an honest company and people, trying to make the best out of a not-so-good situation. Jolla has nothing to do with “intentional fraud” you are referring too.

    • Avatar

      i have also lost my pledgeid , but if you follow the instructions, you will find the pledgeid at the bottom of the indigogo page. just read slowly and follow the instructions. it did work for me

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      indiegogo support can also help you find your pledge ID. I had similar situation, no email confirmation, I think what happened was I pledged without actually having an indiegogo account (possibly stupid, but…). I gave them some info, probably name, address, date, amount; they figured it out for me. Whatever the rights or wrongs, it’s probably easier for indiegogo to find this for you than for jolla. Hopefully they can also help you.

    • Avatar

      You’re on vacation since one month?! Lucky you.
      To find your pledge id, log in to Indiegogo, click on “your_login > My contributions > View Order Details”
      Then look at the url of the page. The last number is your pledge id.

      Otherwise, @Jolla: you’ve previously said that the 2nd half of the payment would occur within 1 year. Why do you try to provide a precise schedule now? You didn’t have to do that. Now, you really can’t miss this early may deadline, i.e. before May 15th…

  13. Avatar

    P.S. I don’t believe that your company cannot find out on base of customer names and email or street addresses to whom you should pay the money back.

  14. Avatar

    Hi Juhani,

    According to my long term studies on the campaign, there seems to be the following shipping groups and amounts:

    A. Those invited on Oct15, tablet shipped by Jan16 (121)
    B. Those invited on Oct15, tablet shipped by Feb16 (77)
    C. Those invited on Oct15, paid but yet w/o tablet (?)
    D. Some contributors not invited to shop (Russia?)

    After the first 121 tablets were shipped, it was shared that 540 more will be shipped. I considered this 540-77=463 as the total amount of 2nd wave, on which:

    E. Those invited on Apr16, shipping now scheduled (~400)
    F. Others on Wave 2 not yet invited (~63?)

    Am I missing one group receiving tablets between Mar16-NOW or would that be group C? (how many?) Or does the group F still exist?

    And thanks for an informative update already provided above! My memories on any earlier vague posts here are almost forgotten 😉 YIS, Simo

    • Avatar

      Russian contributors aren’t invited? Well, sucks to be me then, here I thought I still had a small chance being an early bird, lol.

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        Artemiy, no chance. I was ~№200.
        They ignoring our questions about Russia. Ignoring our letters to support team.
        No answers. Still ignore.

        • Avatar

          Aww. And despite all of those talks about promoting Sailfish in Russia, too.

          Well, that’s a shame but I guess it can’t be helped at this point, can it.

          • Avatar

            Hi Juhani, I found/figured out all the answers to the above elsewhere so no need to reply to this. Personally sorry for all d the Russian contributors too, I’d hope you to get your refunds full among the first group in this situation.

  15. Avatar

    … it would be nice to read something about planned event times and that you meet one’s deadlines. Planning is also possible for a small team.

    It seems to me that I read next “business’s out for summer” (ala Alice Cooper)

  16. Avatar

    Many of us have filled the refund form when we were told that we will not receive a tablet.

    Now that there are some tablets left, are we no longer eligible for them?

    • Avatar

      Seconding this question, I was an early bird backer and I only filled the refund form today assuming that if I didn’t have a status or a store invitation that means there’s no more chance, given that there are only two days until the form is locked down.

      I’d always rather get a Sailfish tablet than a refund, even despite the local currency exchange rates plummeting.

    • Avatar

      You are still eligible, I think. I filled out the refund form and was awaiting the money. In stead I got an e-mail requesting me to complete the order for the tablet, so there is still hope!

      • Avatar

        I did the same as you. First got refund form to fill in and hope lost, when suddenly last week I got request to compete my order. Tablet will be delivered this Friday :). I have ordered 64 Gb model.

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          Hello tomoshokas,
          when did you place your order?

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            Nov 19, 2014

            • Avatar

              Me, too. I don’t know why I got no request for completing my order.

  17. Avatar

    Are “no refund” people in the queue for left tablets too?

  18. Avatar

    I’m lucky to get my tablet finally. But big suprise was extra payments. Even I believed that all is paid, I need to pay taxes (alv in Finnish) and I got a message that my shipment is customs. May some extra payments ??? This is little bit strange if you buy products from Finnish company. To pay shipment is OK, but other paymemts seem to extraordinary.

    • Avatar

      The tablet campaign was run by Jolla Hong Kong, which is not Finnish.

    • Avatar

      Shipment comes from China.

  19. Avatar

    Well, it’s a bit surprising that there’s not option for partial donation/refund. I could leave some money to help securing future development of Sailfish OS but can’t afford leave whole bunch of money there.

    • Avatar

      Not really that surprising. It sounds easy enough, but I can imagine that it would be quite (and unnecessarily) complicated to implement. I would get a full refund, and then contact Jolla asking how best to donate to them. I appreciate you wanting to support them though!

  20. Avatar

    I filled out the refund page the first day it was available.
    I am wanting to know what is taking so long to get me the money that I paid?
    Has anyone actually received there refund?
    To me this looks to be another lie from Jolla

  21. Avatar

    I’ve received my tablet yesterday. Beautiful part, a pity that the production was stopped and that the communication about it was so poor.

    • Avatar

      Great to hear Pingo! We also think that it’s a pity, since it is a beautiful device. But business is business. On the communication, we of course could have been more proactive especially during last summer, but we’ve learned the lesson here.

  22. Avatar

    Ilmoitin oman PayPal-tilini tiedot 16.3.2016 ohjeidenne mukaisesti ja sain siitä vahvistusviestin. En ole vieläkään saanut palautusta PayPal-tililleni. Minulla on toki suomalainen pankkitilikin käytössä, sinne palautuksen voi varmastikin tehdä nopeasti. Osaisitteko antaa lisätietoja maksun palautusaikataulusta?

    • Avatar

      Hei! Palautuksesi pitäisi tulla huhtikuun aikana, eli vielä ei pitäisikään näkyä. Kiitos kärsivällisyydestä!

      • Avatar

        Voisitteko antaa selkeämmän vahvistuksen palautuksen aikataulusta? Jos itsekin puhutte siirroista termillä “pitäisi”, niin vaikuttaa siltä, ettette itsekään tiedä. Ja minulle vahvistuu teistä vieläkin epäluotettavampi kuva. Eli onko palautusaika 2 kk, puoli vuotta vai jopa useita vuosia? Olen siis itse takaisinmaksukuittauksen jo 16.3.2016, mutta varsinaista palautusta ei ole vielä tapahtunut.

  23. Avatar

    Hi Juhani,

    The situation with Russian backers is very sad. I was contributor #214 and wrote to support because I never got an invite to provide shipping details.
    I received an answer from support that “Jolla couldn’t confirm my position in the queue and moreover there was no way to ship to Russia”.
    Well, the first was not true, and I sent another request, because this: proves my position in the queue.

    Then, much later, I got an email from support with:
    “We are doing our best to honor the order in which contributions are/were made.
    In this case, we simply cannot do this as we cannot ship to Russia for the reasons previously outlined.”

    I want you to know that I do not agree whith such meaning of “honoring the order of contributions”.
    And I find it hard to believe the reasons of “the certification situation and lack of repair service in the country”, to quote the support email, because there is no 3G module in the tablet, so there shouldn’t be any certification, as for a phone, and the fact there is no repair service didn’t stop Jolla from selling phones here.

    And I feel disappointed with Jolla’s actions, but hope that person who got my tablet instead of me will be happy with it.

    • Avatar

      “the certification situation and lack of repair service in the country”?..

      Jeez, that’s some really pathetic excuse. Thanks a lot for this post man, I was sitting on a fence unsure whether to support Jolla further or not, but after reading this the answer is obvious.

    • Avatar

      Now that’s just silly. We could’ve provided a middleman address if it was that hard to ship to Russia and it’s not like anyone seriously expects warranty service here anyway.

      I feel like there’s probably something else behind this, either some Finnish laws or maybe agreements with Russian bureaucrats related to Sailfish promotion.

  24. Avatar

    Ubuntu tablet on the way less than a month after I ordered it. Still no sign of Jolla refund.

  25. Avatar

    Ok, I’ve filled in the refund page a few weeks ago, and then today I received the following email:

    “Dear Jolla Tablet contributor,We are happy to let you know that we are almost ready to ship your Jolla Tablet! ”

    Now I’m confused. Are the people being sent the 400 invites for the remaining devices ignoring the offer, therefore the next in the queue are getting the device offers? And the multi-million dollar question is – is it worth getting the tablet?

    • Avatar

      Wonderful news! This really answers my question above. Unfortunately I cannot answer your invaluable question. But thanks a million!

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        Hi vpp – I brought the thing anyway; guess a tablet in the hand is worth more than half a refund sometime later & maybe the other half sometime in the future. If I remember rightly there was some spreadsheet with the sequence users paid via IGG; maybe if we can find that on this blog somewhere I could tell you my position in the queue & you could work out if you’re likely to be offered said tablet…

        • Avatar

          Unfortunately I made my contributions anonymously, so I cannot find a way to tell my position in the queue. I made my first contribution on Nov 19, but only on Dec 8 I contributed solely on the tablet. Maybe only the latter is counted, don’t know.
          I suppose there is quite a big number of those who have already given up or otherwise vanished, so there is a little hope.

          • Avatar

            If it helps vpp, I also made my first contribution on Nov 19 too.

  26. Avatar

    @jolla. Any plans to speed up the full refund so we can start to support you again?

  27. Avatar

    finally got my long anticipated tablet and it’s everything and more 🙂 so happy, hope you get the project up to wraps soon!

  28. Avatar

    Received my tablet this week. Didn’t count on it. Thank you! First received refund link, then order link. Must be lucky because (some) people preferred refund.

    However, exactly the same week I also received my BQ Ubuntu tablet. Hard decision to make: which one to sell?

  29. Avatar

    For those who received an order link after a refund link; how long did it takes for the tablet to arrive and what notifications did you receive from Jolla?

  30. Avatar

    Playing with my new Ubuntu tablet. Might be nice to offset some of the cost but still not a sniff of Jolla’s refund.

    • Avatar

      Hi Dave!
      The refunds are in process.
      Thank you for being patient with us; the international transfers have taken a while, many people submitted their refund form really late so we faced a few issues regarding that which caused unwanted delays. We are exactly on route to refund the amount to each individual’s account during this and next month.


      • Avatar

        “Once you have provided us your details and they are confirmed, we will then process refunds in bulk on a weekly basis. As there are international money transfers involved, this whole process can take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks before you see any funds on your PayPal account.”
        In my mind, I understood this in a way that once I have provided my details, these details will be processed in that week’s bulk of data. Then I wait 3-4 full weeks and money will appear on my new paypal account. Next week is sixth full week soooo… Did you guys yet again fail to clearly communicate what you really meant? Did you really mean to say that you will wait for EVERYONE to provide their details and THEN start to process data in weekly basis and after that UNDEFINED time period we STILL have to wait 3-4 weeks for the money. So maybe I get the first half of my money somewhere around June or July. Maybe August. Or maybe we can read at the end of August that there have been some other problems and we will get the money around December. Somehow I’m getting small déjà vu here. The situation is really sad. Once I was really enthusiastic Jolla supporter, but constant communication failures during this tablet campaign drove me away. Nowadays I feel ashamed I ever owned a Jolla phone or even talked about Sailfish. Two years ago I thought that Sailfish will grow to be big open mobile platform/ecosystem but now I feel it will be a miracle if there still is a company called Jolla in the beginning of 2017. Not because the product is bad but because I feel Jolla has lost their credibility in the public eye. Who would want to give their money to a company that constantly fails to do what they promise to do? I really do hope you guys can learn from your mistakes and prove me wrong but history of Jolla seems to support my predictions (delivery of Jolla phones also had same kind of communication problems as the tablet project). I wish you good luck. Hopefully I get my money soon and we can part ways in polite manner.

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          Yep, jolla is like a comedy club 😀

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          As far as I understand they needed to determine who will receive the tablet instead of the refund… Several people here reported that they provided their details for the refund, and then (suddenly) got their tablets instead.

          IMHO this whole system is just poorly planned. They should have provided a checkbox saying “I would like a tablet, if possible” in the refund tool. Then the exact list of people receiving the tablet would be quickly determined and the rest could receive their money.

  31. Avatar

    One Jolla Tablet 64GB + Lastu case was sold today for 560 EUR (HuutoNet).

  32. Avatar

    Got my own Jolla Tablet with Lastu case delivered yesterday!
    On 16th of March I received the refund instructions but a month later a separate mail telling that I will get the Tablet instead. Exactly 10 days later I finally received the tablet.

    Quality of the Lastu case could be better but at least the tablet seems to be pretty fine.

  33. Avatar

    Voi saatanan saatana. Tuotetta saatiin odotella lähes vuosi yli alkuperäisen deadlinen ja takaisinmaksuvaatimuksille annetaan aikaa vain kuukausi? Hieno homma!

    Toivottavasti purtilonne uppoaa. Syvälle.

    (Kyllä, vituttaa kuin pientä oravaa jolla on miljoona käpyä, muttei yhtäkään hammasta — tai toisinpäin. Oli toki oma moka kun en vahtinut sähköpostia haukkana(tm), siivetönnä kun en voi lentää, vanki olen maan, ja oli niin niin paljon muuta tekemistä koko helvetin Maaliskuun ajan)

  34. Avatar

    Every time you guys make new promises and forget the old one…almost 2 months ago i send jolla team asked details and paypal accounts and expecting they refund the money…first you guys are not giving back any interest on our money which you taken almost 2 years back, secondly you guys are not refunding full amount and last thing as promised half of the money you guys suppose to send us ASAP which again seems like you guys not going to fulfill…well i am asking to the whole blog is there any way we can unite and make an association and lodge a criminal case against this jolla company…is there any association created by Jolla victims..kindly let me know… thanks

  35. Avatar

    Could someone who received the refund please leave a comment here?

    • Avatar

      today refunded, by paypal, 50% of costs

  36. Avatar

    I’d love to find out when a refund will be processed for me. Or… receive an email that I was getting a tablet.

    • Avatar

      Yeah. Usually when the original schedule changes, businesses will inform their customers about this change. Many times they even inform the cause of delay and give some estimate about the new schedule. This is considered good customer service. It is somewhat ironic that company that brags having core values of transparency, respect, passion and love is so opaque in what they do and disrespectful towards their supporters. I’ve given up. I’m positively surprised if I ever receive anything from Jolla. Even more surprised if I get EVERYTHING they have promised previously.

      And remember what Juhani wrote in the beginning of this year: “However, you can be sure you will not end up empty handed. We might even have some positive surprises in stock for you. But more on that will follow, feel free to speculate!”

      Yup. I speculate they had big middle finger in stock for us but unfortunately there was some unwanted delays. They can’t give any any hard dates since unpredictable things can happen during any process, but be assured they will do everything they can to provide you your FUs before the end of this year. 🙂

      Funny how failing to be open and transparent can turn former supporters into bitter ex-customers.

      • Avatar

        Love speculation! I think the money is gone. Jolla Sent the international transfer to wrong account by misstake since their internal account number was in Chinese and they didn’t know that language. The happy but surprised receiver visited a casino, put everything on red and lost…

      • Avatar

        Deep thanks, but I already received my shipment of FUs from Jolla

  37. Avatar

    Hey Jolla, will we get confirmation when the refund has been processed at your end? It would be nice to know if I’m just starting the three week waiting period, or if I should wait a month before I start checking my paypal balance.

  38. Avatar

    “Once we have collected all the information we will proceed with actual payment of the 1st of two (2) refund rounds. A large portion of the 1st round of refund payments should be completed still during this month, and the remainder of the 1st round refund payments we anticipate being carried out during early May 2016.”

    So, if no more unfortunate delays:

    1st round refund payments by 31st May +
    ‘International paypal delays’ 3-4 weeks
    = July

    That’s if there are no more hold ups…

    • Avatar

      Hi! Great to hear to some have already received the first part of the refund.
      What do you mean with ‘International’ for the Paypal delays? Only Finish people are receiving the first half of the refund end April-beginning May? What about other European countries? We have to wait up to July to know if we are correctly receiving our refund?

      • Avatar

        I am only quoting Jolla’s FAQ from above..
        “The first part of the refund will be remitted during early Q2 2016, i.e. during April & May. And, seeing as there will be international money transfers involved, please allow for up to 3 to 4 weeks before you see funds on your PayPal account.”

  39. Avatar

    I just wanted to state that I received the first half of the refund today, and the amount is in my paypal balance.

  40. Avatar

    Hi James, hi Juhani,

    I have donated my refund as others did and would be interested how many have donated or not filled in the refund request at all.
    Could you give us some rough numbers or percentage? What is your planning of how you will use the community money? For some ideas please have a look at

  41. Avatar

    Yesterday I received the refund (to be exact:50% of my payment in Nov. 2014).

    • Avatar

      Thanks a lot for this info!

  42. Avatar

    This complete Jolla Tablet fiasco is very sad and so poorly managed, to the point of incompetence.
    I have not received any refund at all as of yet, I completed the refund survey on March 19th.
    I am in Canada and I contributed on Indiegogo on Jan. 30 2015 for one Jolla Tablet 64GB.
    At this point in time I just want my contribution fully refunded and I want to forget Jolla ever existed and that this fiasco ever happened.
    Sad part is that this makes a person a little apprehensive about any future contributions to any projects on Indiegogo.
    So not only have the Jolla team disenfranchised their own contributors they have as well hung a cloud of apprehension over future Indiegogo project starters.

  43. Avatar

    I am still awaiting an email to confirm my refund. And now you are saying you have closed off refunds. Last communication from your company was Wednesday 2nd March 2016 where you stated

    “You will receive another email soon with instructions on what you need to do to receive your refund.”

    I am still awaiting a link. I come here today thinking that you have been delayed, again. Only to read it’s finished. since when is the onus on me to chase you for money you owe me?

    When did the world go arse about?

    Why? Can you give me an answer?

    This is not right.
    Do you people not have any corporate conscious?

    Aren’t you a socially responsive and respectable company?

    I had thought that Jolla was this splinter of old Nokia that didn’t want to tow the MS line and started their own thing. Now I find you are actually worst than what you left behind.

    Perhaps I am reading this wrong, feel free to correct me but from my viewpoint and with what little information you have given to me over this protracted whole situation I can only say.

    Shame on you Jolla!!

  44. Avatar

    I’ve never received a refund, what now? Anyone else in the same boat?

    • Avatar

      Yes, I am in the same boat, the “no refund yet” boat, very frustrated at this point!

  45. Avatar

    I’m waiting for the refund..

    • Avatar

      I believe most of the contributors are still waiting.

  46. Avatar

    I’m also waiting for the refund…

    • Avatar

      So, effectively they’ve basically gotten themselves a $2,571,203.00 USD INTEREST FREE loan via Indigogo out of our pockets from December 10, 2014 with only half, or less paid back by end of May 2016 and the remainder not until the end of 2017!
      I feel we have been scammed!!

      • Avatar

        The part that you upper-cased is false, passing through Indiegogo is NOT FREE, the cost was 4% when they launched the campaign (now it’s 5%), plus Paypal & Credit card costs.

  47. Avatar

    So, effectively they’ve basically gotten themselves a $2,571,203.00 USD INTEREST FREE loan via Indigogo out of our pockets from December 10, 2014 with only half, or less paid back by end of May 2016 and the remainder not until the end of 2017!
    I feel we have been scammed!!

    • Avatar

      This company should have a great touch with the people who contributed. And should accelerate the money back. We are waiting.

    • Avatar

      A truly disgraceful company taking money and delivering absolutely nothing. I supported Jolla and was expecting a tablet, I paid more for a larger one BUT nothing. I asked for a refund and GOT NOTHING.

      The photo on your blog of Introduction of Community Manager! all having a fun jolly up! at our expense no doubt. Jolly is just awful hope the rest of the company fails

  48. Avatar

    A truly disgraceful company taking money and delivering absolutely nothing. I supported Jolla and was expecting a tablet, I paid more for a larger one BUT nothing. I asked for a refund and GOT NOTHING.

    The photo on your blog of Introduction of Community Manager! all having a fun jolly up! at our expense no doubt. Jolly is just awful hope the rest of the company fails.

  49. Avatar

    Hey man, you are so wright!!! Jolla fobbed us but Jollas’ investors cheated the community and they do it still!
    The investors playing a dirty game with Jolla and are pressing highly on the remaining owner/founder and employees.
    Actually we don’t know how many shares the investors took over when people like Marc Dillon left the company (or were pushed out)and how many they are holding now.
    Jolla and its’ founders lost definitely power and influence on Jolla. So,
    we have to accept that Jolla is not anymore the exception on the market but rather another / maybe new google/android similar OS manufacturing company with the aim of PROFIT MAXIMIZATION (profit maximization as soon as possible as they do not understand the market and how to gain real superior marketshare and create highly profitable business) to INVESTORS and NOT VALUE MAXIMIZATION TO THE CUSTOMERS AND COMMUNITY ! (- Very poor strategy :))))) )
    Therefore, even if Jolla would like to do extra work for the community the investors will blockade this if it costs resources or money.
    The new community manager was installed to keep us (people) calm, and nothing else.
    The only amazing thing is that here are still so many people believe or want to believe that Jolla is independent or open source OS.
    The age of openness for Jolla is over!!! And the Jolla team cannot do anything about it – That’s very sad.

  50. Avatar

    When are these supposed refunds going to start? I just missed by one day on being one of the people who actually gets what they paid for. I asked for a refund the following day and they said yes but then decided to stay and go forward and then did most of the upgrades that came along. More fool me. I should have taken the refund when they offered it to me. If I get even half the money back, I guess I will feel lucky. But I am not holding my breath.
    I have noticed reading through the blog there have not been many updates from Jolla for a while.
    If you worked there would you be working to give money back to people that you just don’t have?
    I just find it disappointing that it seems more and more of these Crowd Funding Projects are failing. This is now the second one I have been bitten on. Not backing anymore even though there are some very good ideas out there.
    I know when you sign onto these projects there are no guarantees but why start something there is some uncertainty with that you will not be able to deliver.
    When they lost the major backer, there was obviously something going very wrong.
    Well, that is my rant over.

    • Avatar

      Hi Gavin. We started the refunds in late April and are continuing with them all the time. All should be done during the month.

  51. Avatar

    Another meaningless reply (which month, which year?), at least you guys are consistent.

    Even woodcarvers and Florists have discovered email, and use it to communicate with their customers. Jolla, it appears, has not, which might be a clue as to why the Tablet project is such a dismal failure.

  52. Avatar

    Anyone from the US receive a refund yet? Thanks to Jolla’s continued lack of communication I have no idea if should’ve gotten my refund by now, or it’s still pending. So frustrating.

    • Avatar

      I’m in Fl. and no refund for me, yet. I requested on March 16th, the first day.

  53. Avatar

    I am in the US and have received no refund or further communication.

    These guys are a bunch of jokers.

  54. Avatar

    Anyone in UK received a refund yet? This is like the lottery.

    • Avatar

      I am a UKadian too and if it’s any comfort, kenhkngai, I haven’t heard anything from Jolla since the initial to-good-to-be-true invitation to apply for a refund. One day I am hoping to see a surprise non-zero figure when I do my daily check on Paypal account. Pigs are flying high today!

      • Avatar

        Hi BikeRider,

        We’ve started the refunds in the last week of April, and are continuing as we speak. You should receive yours shortly, all should be done during May. Thanks for your patience!

  55. Avatar

    I’m from Germany and also received no refund yet. Did the whole refund stuff the day I received the Email from Jolla. This takes to long, it’s more than four weeks.

  56. Avatar

    I’m in Italy. No refund yet…. 🙁

    • Avatar

      anche a me. Io ho richiesto il rimborso attraverso il tool il 30 aprile. Tu??
      Nel account lo status rimane vuoto

      • Avatar

        scusami il 30 marzo

  57. Avatar

    UK – Got Ubuntu tablet in less than a month but still no refund to offset the cost.

  58. Avatar

    I’m from Spain, and my refund still missing too….two weeks ’till end of May….but sure it will be another fiasco…..where are the 12 million of income that Jolla published? Are they buying a bigger boat for themselves instead of gave the money back? Are placing bets in on-line casinos trying to double the amount? I have a funny idea: why don’t you hide the money as Easter eggs and send us a “map fo treasure” in order to find it? Jolla has no respect about their users/backers. Shame on you.

  59. Avatar

    In Canada, and like others completed the refund info as soon as was received but since then no news silence, no info etc – just the comments that all will be done in May – initially beginning of may – now its mid-may next it’ll be by midsummer!

  60. Avatar

    I have compiled this refund tool with all details and received the email confirmation. I have done on 30/03/2016.
    But now I’m still waiting for… in my jolla account status remain blank.

  61. Avatar

    Filled in the web page on Day 1 of the “process”.
    Nothing for me in UK yet. Plus ca change…..

  62. Avatar

    Aika hienoa, että palautus saapui. Maksoin kuitenkin omasta tabletistani 269 euroa, en samaa summaa Yhdysvaltain dollareissa. Sain Paypal-tililleni palautuksena 134,5 USD, mikä on puolet dollarimääräisestä summasta, mutta jää aika vajaaksi oikeasta euromääräisestä palautuksesta. Minun Paypal-tililleni voi ilman muuta maksaa euroissakin ja niin oletinkin, kuten palautuksessa oli luvattu. Missä voin tehdä reklamaation asiasta? Otanko yhteyttä Suomen kuluttaja-asiamieheen asian hoitaakseni?

  63. Avatar

    I just received a refund but it’s in USD not in euro as I myself had paid. I think this combined with the whole ordeal and the fact that it’s a Paypal transaction (for which I have to pay to get the money to my own account), just makes me extremely furious. I will be in touch with the Finnish consumer ombudsman about this case.

    • Avatar

      To be fair if you made your contribution around December the 9th 2014 as I did you paid about 80 cents per dollar and now you get about 86 cents for each dollar, so that is almost 8% gain which is not abysmal.

      By the way I got half my refund too yesterday and it was in USD. At least this half has happened and a small amount credibility has been restored. But the fact still remains that the whole thing has been a disaster and in my opinion Jolla’s handling of the situation has been fraudulent.

      Get me my other half of my contribution and goodbye for ever!

      • Avatar

        Maybe you didn’t understand me sgv_6618. I paid my tablet in euros when I contributed. There was never an option for USD for me, so I have never paid any USD for jolla. So I would still like to be refunded 50% of what I paid which was 50% of 269 euros.

        • Avatar

          What I do understand is that the indiegogo campaign contributions were made in USD no matter what your currency is. I have euros in my bank account but they were converted to USD to make my contribution. I cannot imagine how you could have paid in euros. I think you are a bit confused.

  64. Avatar

    The refund arrived today – it’s broken down into separate line items, if that’s of interest to anyone.
    – I’m in Australia
    – I filled in the form on the 17th April – 16th everyone else’s time.
    I didn’t get a paypal refund notification email as with other refunds I’ve had, it just magically appeared.

  65. Avatar

    Received the money today. All good.

  66. Avatar

    Dear thieves.

    im stil waitig for my FULL refund. Thanks.

  67. Avatar

    The first half of the tablet refund hit my PayPal acct. this morning. I am in Fl, USA.

    • Avatar

      Nice, I’m in PA I’ll have to check my account tonight.

  68. Avatar

    I have received the first half without shipping. 102 instead of 112 US$.
    @JuhaniLassila comes the first half of shipping refund in a seperated wave?

  69. Avatar

    Checked my paypal this morning and still nothing. I’m in Finland.

    • Avatar

      There are a lot of people that have received their refund, yours should be dealt with soon as well! Thanks for being patient with us!

  70. Avatar

    I received my first half $148 on May 18. Although I would rather have received the tablet I requested.

    • Avatar

      I received my 114USD, too.

      • Avatar

        Good to hear that the refunds are being made in a faster manner lately and being publicly announced by the community! Thanks for the comment!

        • Avatar

          Isn’t communication awesome? James you’ve been doing a great job in this regard, please tell the rest of Jolla to follow suit.

          I’m one of the backers that has been very vocal about my frustrations with Jolla and I’m glad to see the company make an effort to fix the communication problems. Still some official blog posts updating everyone on refund situations is a must as opposed to tracking down your replies to user comments on the blog.

    • Avatar

      Great to hear that you received your first half of the refund. Apologies for not being able to send you the tablet, though.

      • Avatar

        James, do you represent jolla? Can you explain why you refund people in USD when they have paid their tablets in euros when contributing? I contributed 269 euros for my tablet but got refunded 50% of 269 USD. I never had an option to contribute in USD at the beginning so why do you refund me in USD?

        • Avatar

          Hi! Thanks for commenting and asking your question!

          I have just double-checked even though I was pretty sure that the original pledges were in USD and not EUR. And 269USD was the right amount that you have paid. So I suspect that you might be mistaken and have actually paid USD.
          We are paying back everybody in USD since the original pledging options were all presented in USD.

          Even if you check the original indiegogo page, the options (which are obviously closed now) are shown in USD:

          I hope that answered your question, I think you should double check with your bank/PayPal history, whichever you used.

  71. Avatar


    I am in Canada and I contributed on Indiegogo on Jan. 30 2015 for one Jolla Tablet 64GB.
    I completed the refund survey on March 19th, 2016.

    Tuesday May 17th, 2 days ago, I received the following email notification from my PayPal account;

    Just thought you’d like to know Jolla Asia Limited sent you $***.** USD.
    Note from sender, Jolla Asia Limited:
    This is the 1st half of your refund amount. Thanks for supporting the Jolla Tablet project.

  72. Avatar

    Contributed 19/11/2014
    Refund form completed 16/03/2016
    From UK

    …Still nothing.
    Are these refunds being processed in a logical order?

  73. Avatar

    Funny thing. I contributed from two accounts, the first was for tablet, shipping and the 64GB upgrade. The second account was just to support Jolla, the amount was 10 USD. Just checked Pay Pal, 5 USD has been refunded on 17th of May, no e-mail was sent that it’s done. No refund on the amount that really matters. Filed the refund survey on first day.

    • Avatar


      I understand, the thing is that your 2 different accounts are most probably not in the same row of refunding batches. Therefore you have received one of them. The next one will be on its way soon I’m sure!
      The reason you didn’t get an email was that you (most probably) have contributed through PayPal. Meaning that you paid directly from your PayPal account not your credit card. In that case PayPal won’t send you an email about the refund transaction. You’ll have to manually check the status of your PayPal account.

      I hope that was clear enough, and hope you receive your money ASAP. Apologies for being late!


  74. Avatar

    The 50%-refunds show on my paypal, sort of: Since the purchase my credit card number has changed and now the refund seems to be forwarded to that old credit card number. Now I’m wondering whether the money gets returned to Jolla Asia Limited or to Paypal. What a mess… :/

    • Avatar

      This problem got solved with VISA customer service. Now I’ll just cross my fingers with the remaining 50% refund. 😉

  75. Avatar

    In the end I’ve received the first 50% of my money back. Only 18 months of free interest loan….and crossing fingers to get the second 50% back some day. But, fortunately, I’m free to especulate with the next surprises from Jolla for all backers…..

  76. Avatar

    Refund survey completed 16/03/2016, from Belgium.

    …still nothing on My Paypal account whilst it was promised the remainder would be finished in early May. Another deadline passed. I’ll accept this is because of delays caused by banks, but if I check again in early June, I will make a *much* larger donation similar to this one: Besides that, it will make me more eager to do more bug reporting of the Ubuntu BQ Aquaris M10 that I will buy soon.

    Hope this can also be a warning for others who think about abusing crowdfunding by exploiting the funders. The anti-fanboys you create can cost you much more in the long term than your short term gains.

    • Avatar

      Later than was promised, the first refund arrived here on the 24th of May (not early May).

  77. Avatar

    I completed the refund survey on the 19th of March 2016 and received the 1st half of the money on the 17th of May 2016. All my perks (tablet 64GB, shipping, mapbagrag) are considered, now I’m waiting for the second round.

    It’s a shame, it had to end this way…

  78. Avatar

    Jolla correctly summed my contributions for the Indiegogo tablet “perk” and various accessories as $303. We agreed upon this in March.

    I received my “first half” credited to my PayPal account as $37. That is 36% of the refund I expected. This is I hope this is some sort of mistake.

    Up until this point, I was very sympathetic to Jolla cause, and did not feel bad about “loaning” Jolla funds. but I now believe that I will not receive my full refund.

    I’m feeling sad and deceived.

    • Avatar

      Hi! I have forwarded your issue, will get back to you with an answer.
      Thanks for being patience with us!


    • Avatar

      Hi again,
      getting back to your request, I have checked with our care team and this is what I discovered:
      You paid 2 pledges, 1 with credit card and 1 with PayPal, we’ve refunded everything and you should check your PayPal account.

      The 37$ (credit card pledges) has been sent via MassPay, and the 114.50$ as a refund of your original transaction within PayPal.

      I hope that helped. Please double-check your account and get back to me.


      • Avatar

        Dear James,

        Thanks! I really appreciate your prompt reply. It turns out that both sums went to paypal (since I paid using paypal, that’s what I expected) but the second sum did not generate a new notification; paypal only notified me the first time.

        So my bad! I _completely withdraw_ my comment of feeling sad and deceived.

        Thanks again. It seems that you are doing your best!

  79. Avatar

    Refund survey done on Mar 16, PayPal address rectified by Jolla after Mar 18 ticket, and on the 18th May I get reimbursed 50% of the tablet case only, and in the old PayPal account, not on the correct one.
    Of the 148$ I should have received, I only got 21$, and in the wrong account! Don’t you guys have any kind of database with the refund data?

    Now what, should I open another ticket? Wait until the end of May?

    • Avatar

      Well, I guess that Jolla knows they have lost me as a supporter, so thy don’t even care about fulfilling this last promise of returning part of my money. I should have probably pretended to be a nice fanboi like some others here, maybe I would even have got a tablet in that case…

  80. Avatar

    Filled out the refund form on March 16, still waiting for the refund. This is really frustrating.

    • Avatar

      I’m also waiting for refund. One week before end of May.

      Dear Jolla, could you tell us, how many pledges are already refunded and how many are left?

      • Avatar

        I also have yet to receive a refund. I was easily in the first half of contributors so it doesn’t seem they are using that to prioritize refunds however. Just 5 working days until June!

        From James Noori: “The refunds are being made, many people (Over half!) have received their money and the process if on going as we speak.”

  81. Avatar

    Still waiting , over 2 months and nothing . Hope this will go better than the promised tablet

  82. Avatar

    8 days left. No refund so far. Maybe tomorrow’s my lucky day. Fingers crossed…

  83. Avatar

    Jätin korvaushakemuksen sisään yli 2kk sitten eikä vieläkään ole palautettu senttiäkään, usko oli kova tähän juttuun mutta nyt tuntuu että oli v—tun vitsi koko firma. RAHAT TAKAS ja HETI!

  84. Avatar

    No tablets, no refund. No answer to my emails. I’ve run through all their processes – and nothig happens.

    Empty promises, helpless lies.

    But I’ve learned a lot: Never trust a finnish company again. Never trust somebody, who promises to be free and open and better than others.

    Spent my money on Nov. 19th, 2014. Waiting for 552 days now.

    • Avatar

      Unbelievable. Today I received the refund!

      First positive sign after 555 days of waiting!

      So, where can I buy my next Jolla? I’ve got cash now….! 😉

  85. Avatar

    I’ve finally received the first half refund (UK) to my PayPal Account. I’m sad that things have ended this way, after a lot of enthusiasm when I contributed to the initial campaign.

    Thanks to Jolla for eventually getting their act, at least partially, together.

  86. Avatar

    Today I received the first half refund of 122,00$ (teblet on 2014-11-19 + 64GB upgrade on 2015-03-09, total cost 244,00$).

  87. Avatar

    Still haven’t got my refund. Are Jolla still expecting to have the entire first round of refunds completed by end of May 2016?

    • Avatar

      And just an hour after writing that comment, the transfer went through.
      Almost too much of a coincidence…

  88. Avatar

    I received the first half of my refund the 18th of May. That is 124,50 USD. Contribution was for Tablet (64GB) + Jolla Phone, the latter I received.
    Thank you Jolla! I hope for the second half of the refund and for Sailfish OS to rock many devices like FairPhone, Intex… aaand… some third party smart watch in sight for Wearable SailfishOS? 😉

  89. Avatar

    not to be an A H , got 1/2 refund today , 400.00 US . Thank you Jolla for this at least . Hope the second refund happens .
    So thank you

  90. Avatar

    I’ve just got my refund.

  91. Avatar

    I still haven’t received the refund 🙁 it’s been over 6 weeks I think since I filled out the refund form.
    If jolla is only half way now, how will they manage the other half in 7 days? They did say May *2016*,didn’t they? :-/

  92. Avatar

    I haven’t received mine either. Remaining half of payments to sort out in seven days seems quite a challenge…

  93. Avatar

    Hi I just wanted to say that I got my refund. PayPal didn’t send me any message so I just realised that my money was already sent to me last week. However- Thank you very much Jolla.

  94. Avatar

    I completed my refund form on March 16th and I received my 50% refund on May 24th. I was position 2066 in the Indiegogo backer list and I am in the USA.

    Good luck to all others with your first refund and here’s hoping Jolla can still deliver on the other 50% of all our refunds by the end of this year.


  95. Avatar

    money has magically appeared without notification in paypal..

  96. Avatar

    And it is the first of June, and of the promised refund I only got $21 (half the tablet case).

  97. Avatar

    I try not to think too much about Jolla, because the contrast between my original hopes and the grinding, repeated dashing of those hopes has been a source of pain.
    And this last, farcical raising of hope once again has been the most painful of all.
    Was the Jolla tablet a swindle from the first? Of course not.
    Everyone knows that Jolla’s management simply mismanaged the project at every stage, and tried after each disappointment to boost hopes — as one must do, lest private funding vanish entirely.
    But is has been particularly annoying that the Indiegogo backers were encouraged to think they would be rewarded with some scrap, long after it was clear to those managing the project that they would not.
    And this, the disgracefully misrepresented “closure effort”, is in keeping with the rest.
    It is feeble, badly stated and stops short — but just short — of being dishonest.
    Why does Jolla offer to refund a portion of their money to its disappointed backers, but only if they receive and act upon a single email, and only within a one month window, after which they are deemed to have voluntarily donated the money to Jolla? The answer is blindingly obvious.
    Jolla cannot behave toward its Indiegogo backers as it does to its formal investors.
    If it did, it would need to satisfy legal requirements of honesty in communications.
    Instead, Jolla’s management are able to freely fool us, just as they have fooled themselves, for well over a year now.
    At least the sadness for tablet backers is now drawing to a close.
    Have both sides learned something? Perhap. But I wouldn’t bet on it, or Jolla, ever again.

  98. Avatar

    Still waiting for the second half of the money…

  99. Avatar

    Any news on refund round 2?

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