What is Mindtrek?
Mindtrek is a 3 day conference in Tampere, Finland, which in 2016 was built around the themes of Smart City, Immersion, IoT, Academic and Open Source World for 2016. Already the 20th Mindtrek offered the visitors a range of workshops, presentations, and in our case, get to know Sailfish OS and have a chance to win a Jolla C device! Of course, the ever so famous Mindtrek party continued right after the event, organized brilliantly while offering delicious food and beverage.
Mindtrek is an event where companies and students gather together to explore new opportunities, show off new technology and meet potential partners and customers. As they state on their website: “Mindtrek is a meeting place for open-minded people to see, discuss and experience the big things in tech right now and in the future.”
Focus on Open Source and Community
In our conference presence we decided to concentrate on open source and community related topics. In Mindtrek’s blog our Program Manager Vesa-Matti (Vesku) Hartikainen wrote about Sailfish OS, why is it based on Open Source and why we are aiming to make it even more open in the near future, our licensing program and last but not least, ways to be part of the Jolla movement, and building the independent mobile operating system further! Click here to see our current open positions.
You can read Vesku’s post with full detail here.
A lot of interest for Sailfish OS
Jolla was one of the sponsors for the event and we had our own booth during the exhibition days. Many young students attended the conference, learning new things and gathering new ideas! Also quite a big number or non-students visited the conference to meet new business partners and even potentially find a job opportunity for themselves.
At our fair booth our main aim was to demo our operating system on different devices such as Jolla C, Turing phone, Fairphone (Community port), Sony Xperia Pro (Community port) and Intex Aqua Fish and show how versatile Sailfish OS can be performing the same tricks on different devices with different hardware specifications. The results were actually very impressive, and once again people showed that they like and want to see new products and new ways of interacting with mobile devices.
- Jolla C – Demo device
- A group of sailors
- People trying out Sailfish OS
- Kaisu demoing Sailfish OS to a visitor
- Juhani and James
- James demoing Sailfish OS to visitors
- Kind visitors enjoying Sailfish OS
- More Sailfish OS demoing!
- Sailors handing a Jolla C to the winner
Jolla C ambiance competition
Visitors to the Jolla booth could take part in a competition with a possibility to win a brand new Jolla C device. The task was designed in a way to teach people how to engage with Sailfish OS and get their “swiping skills” trained, and overall get a hand of how Sailfish OS works and how it’s different and more intuitive than other mobile operating systems.
The instructions were simple, and that was the point; to teach people that Sailfish OS is as simple as a swipe on the slab of glass you call your screen. Basically, what they had to do was to go through the tutorial app on Sailfish OS and create an ambiance, using the camera on Jolla C or the pre-stored images on the phone, or even send a picture via Bluetooth from their own phone to the provided device. Using an existing default ambiance was obviously unacceptable.
Sounds simple, right?
Well, yes, but choosing the winner was going to be based on how creative they were with the ambiance and how easily they could follow what they learned during the tutorial bit of the task at hand. Not that simple after all when it came to winning.
Many people took part in the competition and we had many beautiful ambiances created by them, but unfortunately we only had one phone to give away.
That however didn’t stop us from showing you some of the fine creations people made with different images:
- Timo Taipalus’ Ambiance
- Ari Järviö’s Ambiance
- Miska Koivulehto’s Ambiance
- Jaakko Peltonen’s Ambiance
- Manuel Gabbarón’s Ambiance
- Ville Välimäki’s Ambiance
Who won the competition? How did we choose the winner?
Have you already had a guess who won based on the above pictures?
The winning ambiance of the competition is the fifth picture, which belongs to Manuel Gabarrón, a student in Tampere university who in fact paid a visit to our office in Tampere to claim his prize!
How did we choose him?
We had a voting session with sailors at the Tampere office between all of the created ambiances and also the way they were created, and according to most of the sailors, this was the most creative of them all.
Manuel actually ran to Tampere Talo’s (Mindtrek venue) second floor, took a picture from a part of a painting there, edited the photo on the device and created this amazing ambiance, which made him gather the most amount of votes among the sailors at the office.
- Manuel Gabbarón’s Ambiance
- Manuel Gabarron, receiving his device from Vesku Hartikainen at Jolla Tampere office
- A group picture with sailors
Open Source Community panel
Last but not least, Vesku Hartikainen took part in a panel discussion titled “Open Source Community & Business Development”. The panel featured also Carlo Daffara, CTO of CloudWeavers and researcher on IT economics; Matti Pesu, Chair of the Oskari-network, Senior inspector in the Finnish Transport Agency; and Martin von Willebrand, Chairman of COSS ry, Validos ry and Attorney at HH Partners.
During the panel, they talked about:
- Building an open source community as a platform for business or even enabler or booster for business
- How to build a community the right way, and what not to do?
- What are the positives and negatives?
- What type of monetization is positive/negative for the community?
- Licensing options and open core, dual licensing and delayed open licenses.
Overall, the Mindtrek event was a good one this year, and we are absolutely looking forward to attend next year’s event with an even better, more improved Sailfish OS!
Not terribly impressed as I’ve been on hold since being told a month ago Jolla was “unable to provide any visibility” about a screen repair. Is the only way to get a new phone winning a competition?
Same here. Touchscreen broken for months and no way to get repaired…
As there’s no device to buy, I had no choice that leaving Jolla/SailfishOS. I may be back one day, if a device is to be sold.
Highly matured initiative. This is exactly the way forward, building and enhancing the community is a painful process, with Jolla having the proper mindset it is just matter of time. Just patience and hardwork will get Jolla there. Miska’s ambience is top draw. Now I am convinced that Jolla is Sampo soturi.. eteenpain..eteenpain.. 😀
The looks exchanged here, though 😀
I don’t know, I was expecting such a comment 😀
Future Sailor Girl: So, is this phone better than mine?
James: You should hear the voice quality… I’ll give you call 🙂
actually, I think ambiances 1, 2 and 6 look nicer 😉
Of course everybody has a different opinion, and of course there might be nicer looking images but the effort put into the chosen one + the looks made it stand out so much to our sailors.
@ James,
For me ambience message was for more intuitive, it meant not everything is black or white, it has grey shades which is life itself.. 🙂
About Manuel’s ambiance: that’s very cool 😀
That’s why it got voted as winner 😉
We at Jolla strongly agree with your opinion! And PS. Nice work yourself as well!
Where is the photo in Ari Järviö’s Ambiance from? Is it near Jollanoaivi, Lapland?
Ari had actually taken the photo by himself! He was one of the very few who used their own, already existing picture for the task. Creative and unique way to personalize the ambiance! He told the place and the route where they were hiking but the picture really remained in my head the best.
Can you give any news about official licensing of Sailfish OS to Fairphone?
I would really love to buy a Fairphone, but Sailfish OS with Android support is crucial to me.
Alternatively, is there any possibility to buy a license of Sailfish OS as private person and use it with whatever community port one likes?
Same considerations here…
When can we buy new Jolla device? 🙂 By the way I think is awesome you support Jolla 1! The device acts as baseline hardware. It keeps developers on their toes I hope. So they don’t waste memory or CPU. Keep it up! Good job! 🙂
Hello to all at Jolla.
Do you think that we will have a surprise for black friday which is going to arrive soon ??
When will the first qwerty slider appear for pre-order. If qwerty slider appears I think many more would like to donate second part of the refund or other specific things that the community can benefit from.
Looks like a nice event!
Will you attend slash? Livestream?
Hi Dave, I would rather go for a QWERTZ slider but otherwise, I fully agree. Add a stylus for hitting tiny buttons and we would have a great productivity tool (and I could finally put my N900 on rest).
Yep, Would be EPIC! Qwerty slider is almost impossible to get your hands nowdays. hint hint @jolla
Sony experia with sailfish os would make me ecstatic! All I want for Christmas really 😀
Hello Jolla.
I am a developer on Sailfish and really like the OS. But recently I was forced to leave the ship and am now back on Android.
Here is the story about what happened.
It all started with my Jolla 1 (7 month old) breaking and I don’t get any warranty because I bought it second hand.
I can’t get an Aquafish because the german customs would return it due to missing CE. Also I don’t like the hardware (LCD, slow CPU, too big …).
Then I bought a Oneplus X which is really a nice device. The Sailfish port is also done very nicely and working well. If you come from the old Jolla 1 and then see SFOS running on the OPX you’re really thrilled by the performance and the gorgeous look on that Amoled screen.
But why is there still no Jolla store for ported devices?
Jolla, this is unexcusable!
Don’t tell me it is to difficult to achieve! You had it already working some time ago!
And why don’t you deliver Android apps for ported devices? I would happily pay for it! And so would many others. How are you supposed to make any money?
Third thing, as a developer I want to have paid apps! What is the problem with this? It can’t be to difficult to achieve, you had lot’s of time for it. And don’t come with open source and stuff, SFOS itself isn’t open source!
And again, how are you supposed to make money?
I have many good ideas for apps to develop and would love to come back to SFOS if:
– Jolla store is finally available on ported devices
– Android support is available for ported devices
– there are paid apps in Jolla store
Jolla, instead of fiddling with features nobody really needs such as fingerprint reader, you should focus on getting more users to the ecosystem. And to make money, if you want to survive.
Jolla, do your homework!!!
Not being a developer myself, I nevertheless second all your observations and wishes.
Great post. I fully agree.
Hello, do we know when the second money will be refunded? Will it be reported before the end of the year? Thank you.
@ John944s2
Thanks for Your post. thats exactly what I thought. If they dont manage to provide devices – and I can understand why this is difficult being a small company with no money – why dont they sell their product (including Alien Dalvik) with a end user friendly software to install it on suitable android devices?
Guys it is the end of the year, and Jolla told us that the second round of the TABLET REFUND would start then (with a few ifs).
So don’t you think you should tell all the Tablet founders what the current status is ?
Or are you again not try to keep things silent, crawl away under your blankets and hope things will blow over ?
Come on Jolla, did you really not learn ANYTHING of the past ?
Be honest and give us an update in regard of the refund.
Being silent AGAIN is NOT AN OPTION.
@Maikel No, they didn’t say that. They said you could expect the second half one year after they paid the first half. (If at all.)
Oh you funny funny man, you just can’t stop embarrassing yourself.
Again you say such stupid dump things .. maybe you could take Popov’s place as funny clown ?
Please don’t compare the great Oleg Popov with Ossi.
Hi Maikel!
We will update you about refund’s status soon, but we did not promise any “end of the year” schedule. We thank you for your patience and I will personally try my best to get this update out as soon as possible.
We definitely have learned a lot of lessons from the past and we will try our best, whatever is in our power to deliver the second round as close to our promised time as possible.
Please stay tuned for an update on that.
Thanks for your serious reaction James,
Much appricated.
But please do not ask for more patience, all backers have shown plenty of that.
Maybe it’s an idea to have a different place to keep the backers informed of the current status of the refund.
I do not care if we have to wait a bit longer, as mentioned many many times before being kept in the dark is our biggest irritation.
So by any means please keep us informed on a regular basis (and yes I know once a year is also regular) so let’s say at least once a month would be the least you could do for all those backers who have showed SO MUCH patience.
Well, how can we not ask for your patience if our promise is not due yet? 🙂
I can assure you that nothing is kept in the dark, the only reason that there hasn’t been any public updates about the refund program is that there hasn’t really been any actual internal updates either, as we have been busy with other things with our very limited resources, but the refund program is still going to happen we will notify you as soon as we have a new update.
Blogging a post while having not so much to say is not going to make anybody happy. We have said that we are going to pay the second round in a year-time after the first round and we still are saying the same thing. In case of an update, we will communicate that to th public for sure!
I thank you so much again for your patience,
Hi James,
According to your comment “we are going to pay the second round in a year-time after the first round and we still are saying the same thing” I expect another post after https://blog.jolla.com/jolla-tablet-refund-update-closing/ but with the confirmation that the first refund round is officially closed. Somewhere in 2017 as late as possible.
After 1 year of closing confirmation, 2018/2019? it will arrive the long wanted second refund plan.
By that time Jolla may remain the bad history.
Dalvik should be opensourced or replaced with an open engine so that we can run android apps on SFOS on Fairphone II.
Or Fairphone should get official support for SFOS OS ASAP.
Touchscreen/ digitizer replacement.
Try this:
But: you need an Indian credit card, and ships to India only.
Without motivation, it will not work out