2017 was an important and successful year in the journey of Sailfish OS. As introduced originally in 2015 we changed our strategy towards the marketplace and gradually moved our focus towards the B2B (business-to-business) sector in order to expand Sailfish OS with regional licensing partners. This year, we started to harvest the results of this change in the strategy, by making new licensing deals to the big market of China and to the emerging markets of Latin Americas together with our partner Jalasoft. In parallel the business in Russia together with our licensing partner Open Mobile Platform is progressing well, first licensed Sailfish products started the sales this summer and together we expect together to roll out a sizable number of various Sailfish devices to the Russian market during 2018. Moreover, as a major milestone, we increased the general availability of Sailfish OS for the world by announcing Sailfish X, the downloadable and fully supported Sailfish OS.
- Accione Latin Americas product launch in October with Jala CEO & Founder Jorge Lopez
- Opening up the Jolla story for the audience in Jala Accione launch
- Accione launch event in Moscow
- MWC 2017: Announcing our collaboration with Sony Open Devices
- MWC 2017 behind the scenes
- MWC 2017 with sailors & the community
Sailfish X
We launched Sailfish OS as a fully downloadable solution called Sailfish X for Sony Xperia products in collaboration together with Sony Open Devices Program. The first implementation was completed for Sony Xperia X during the year, very much thanks to the active Sailfish hardware porting community, and we started to officially offer it in October.
The Sailfish X program has been an important and engaging activity for us to work together with our community, and to be able to offer Sailfish OS to whole new frontiers which we have not previously been able to serve. The amount of downloads and new customers already within the current supported markets (EU, Norway & Switzerland) has been a very positive surprise for us. We are very happy to see many new Sailfish users!
Due to the success of the program, we will be adding support for new product models and markets at a steady pace during 2018. We’re seeing new demand coming from developing markets in Asian and Latin American countries, and in India, and in these markets support for dual SIM is very important. While we’re already working on to support a next generation device, we will also add support the for the Xperia X Dual SIM model (aka “F5122“) in order to enable new markets in various countries during Q1 2018. Adding new markets will also come together with the support of a graphical installer, in order to lower the entry barrier for new customers to start enjoy Sailfish OS.
Further, there’s been some interest to support the more pocket-able version of Xperia X, the Xperia X Compact. As we’re working already on two other new devices (the dual SIM and the to-be-announced), we don’t yet have the necessary business case to commit more resources ourselves to finish up the Xperia X Compact full solution. However, this is something we’re openly looking at: if the community adaptation will be good enough in the near future, we look for alternatives to start support it. We’ll come back to this as it develops.
Looking forward to 2018
I believe blockchain and cryptocurrencies have been topical discussion topics over many Christmas dinners. Earlier this year we started a collaboration together with Zipper Global Ltd. in order to offer blockchain technologies for Sailfish OS. In this collaboration, Jolla is offering Sailfish X as a core development environment, and Zipper develops and offers the blockchain platform on top. We’re happy to see Zipper has already exceeded its minimum financing and we’re excited about the upcoming year of collaboration together.
2018 will be an important year for Jolla as a company, and to expand Sailfish OS. We expect to see the first Sailfish products enter the market from our China licensing partner. These are something totally new: disrupting products not seen anywhere before. The business in Latin American markets will be in full execution during 2018, and we’re looking to see new partners announced in new countries.
Sailfish is here to stay, and we are working hard with our new partners and with our community around the world in order to bring Sailfish OS to the masses and build ecosystems around it. Thank you all for your continued support and passion, and let’s wish all the best of success for Sailfish for 2018!
Sincerely yours,
Good to see you guys are alive and kicking 🙂
I think its the right strategy to support (more) Sony devices that are widely used and also lower the technical barrier for an installation (GUI).
Still: I would like to remind you to give your loyal customers who already bought Sailfish X a roadmap update for the missing functions of the Xperia X (fingerprint i.e.).
Happy new year to all you sailors out there !
Thanks a lot for your comment!
Your feedback is definitely valuable. More Sony devices are coming and a GUI will be available for the installer, as mentioned in the post. A public roadmap will be published during early 2018.
Happy new year!
More Sony devices! Sounds awesome! Will continue to follow and hope that Xperia XZs will be supported soon. I am truthfully longing. Wanted to buy the Jolla phone but was not able to before it was too late.
I hate Android I still hope for SFOS on my XZ
XZs I meant…
Thanks a lot, Happy New Year to you
This reads like a nice situation and a great strategy to me. I wish you a great success.
I’m happy user of Sailfish X so don’t forget us too ;).
Happy and Successful New Year to all.
Thanks for your comment Filip!
Have a great 2018 ahead.
Hi there,
I am very happy about your news, that the journey continues, cause I am happy to stay with a system that provides data security and integrity for individuals: to protect and not to share my data with everyone (companies, governments, criminals).
New markets give many hopes, that Jolla and with it SailfishOS not only survives but grows and with it a community that cares about privacy as a human right.
Russia and China are not known for respecting the rights at least the privacy of their citizens or other people around the world. E.g. China makes up quite now a bonus point system for well behaving.
What if they ask you: okay we like SailfishOS because we are not dependent on US Companies anymore, but we want in SailfishOS our own backdoors and opportunities to spy out the people for our companies or governments??
That concerns me, too, when I think about the future of this wonderful SailfishOS!
I am sorry to forget… 😉
Happy New Year for everyone!
H Zemideluxe,
Thank you for commenting.
Your concerns are understandable, but such worries are unnecessary as we as a company do not allow such a thing to take place. The source, for the most part, if open and we encourage any developer to take a look at any potential “backdoor” at any time.
Sailfish OS is not to spy on anyone, unlike Android which is build on the fundamentals of spying on their users.
Hei! Hauska kuulla, että tuuli on myönteinen kun seilaatte eteenpäin. Se ei ole itsestään selvää – vähän kuin uiminen hai-altaassa. Isot kalat eivät pidä kilpailijoista. Hyvää uutta vuotta ja myötätuulta vuodelle 2018! Keep on sailing with tailwinds!
(Olen edelleen vähän surullinen kun en onnistunut saamaan tablettia!)
Happy New Year to all the Jolla Sailors and community members! These are good news and an interesting view for 2018.
I understand why you focus on the developing and asian markets. But what I miss is a device for the western markets besides those from Sony. Buying a google phone just to add SaifishOS and paying for a second OS seems a little bit odd. So I hope, that the plan for Jala, coming to more markets with their SFOS device, gets reality in 2018.
Thank you Silmoc for your comment.
That is an interesting observation and an understandable one at that. Let’s see what 2018 can bring to the western market.
Great! Now you can give back the remaining money to backers who never got any tablets.
We are doing exactly that, each month we go forward. Hundreds of people have gotten their money back and you may be next on the line.
Wow .. my comments about the refunds are now deleted from your Blog .. REALLY ..
Anyway .. November 19, 2014 I gave 224USD to Jolla … and more than 3 years ago I have not received my full refund.
You must be SO proud.
My comment about refunds is still awaiting moderation. It’s older than some approved comments.
We do not approve every single comment. Some comments get randomly blocked by the spam filter and we then approve them when we log into the system.
Hi Maikel.
No comments have been removed from this blog, but you do seem to have commented the same thing twice, one of which is not appearing on the blog for some reason. We never delete any comments on this blog unless they are spam.
Refunds, as we have already said several times, are being processed slowly but steadily.
I received my refund, in that respect I have nothing but praise. My preference was a successful tablet launch. I am happy to say that I joined the EveV campaign and, after a long development period, created a community designed tablet. This is the ultimate convertible that is in a class by itself.
I am a believer so I will keep banging on Jolla’s door until the finally understand that communication is key in the refund process.
And at this moment after November it has gone (as SO many time before) completely dark about the refunds.
No transparency at all, and let me remind your CEO again that he STILL owes me (and a lot of other people) money, and if he keeps ignoring us and thinks that after 3 years he can get away with this by every now and then pay 10 backers half the refund he is just an ignorant arrogant thief.
Either pay us back or be completely transparent those are the only 2 options. And if these are not respected (as we have seen until now) you will keep seeing me telling the world how Jolla treats it’s users. My guess is that just paying everyone is a lot cheaper than the reputation damage I am causing.
We are transparent, Mikael.
We are just not going to update any “new” blog posts about the tablet refunds anymore unless w have a bigger news than the usual. We do however update this post (https://blog.jolla.com/second_phase_refund/ ) which you can visit from time to time and check if we have made any progress.
You are not causing a damage, you are voicing your concern and that’s absolutely fine! Hopefully you will get your refund ASAP.
as long as that old blog post jump to the top its OK. If not it’s pretty much irrelevant.
I too am still waiting and really want to know – if Jolla is doing so well whats taking so long?
At the moment my hope is I get it brfore the turn of the century, If I make it that far it will be worth a dime
First of all I wish you (both Jolla as a company and all fans too) the very best as we all move into a new year, western or eastern. May the coming year bring us better mobile solutions that allows us to form a better future for everyone.
The coming year decides if we all get thrown into a global turf war with multinational and corporate disrespect of privacy and integrity. …or if we get to use our high tech equipment to save our planetary investments for the future.
That is why I have been putting a lot of time and effort at the together.jolla.com forum. I chose Jolla and Sailfish OS not only because the technical platform is better but also because I appreciate the decisions made by the company, especially regarding the integrity of the users.
I bring my Sailfish OS phones (all three of them) into the next year, and I do so with pride. The platform is simply the best in the world, technically speaking. But I will no longer be active at the forum. I will simply be a normal user to have more time to care for my family.
Nonetheless I expect great things from all of you. Great things have already been brought from the dreams into our reality. The very fact that there are phones and tablets running a full Linux distribution is just one example, but there are others as well. So expecting greatness is quite logical with a community like TJC, so I do.
Sami, keep your focus on Sailfish OS and the devices. Consider creating a foundation for the OS.
To the companies creating devices running Sailfish OS, show your dedication for the platform by investing in the software too. Personally I would like to see a zoomable timeline that can be used in apps like the gallery and the calendar. But the forum has lots of ideas, both Google and Apple have noticed this, so there are many ideas that still awaits implementation. Everthing you put into the platform will benefit everyone. Social media needs non-proprietary alternatives…
Good luck to all of you with 2018. We will all need it.
Thank you so much for your contributions so far! We deeply appreciate what you have done at our forums and for 2018, we plan a small revision to what we have been doing so far to better organize our forum and focus better on that matter.
Happy new year; stay awesome!
The Sailfish X purchase came with updates for “at least one year”. What is going to happen after one year? What’s your plan for 2018?
The plans will definitely be announced a bit later, but we won’t leave our users deserted, that’s certain.
The Jolla C / Aqua Fish had space for 2 SIMs plus an SD card; as far as I understand the Xperia F5122 instead supports one SIM plus *either* a second SIM or an SD. Will the new mysterious device you are going to release come with three full expansion slots like the Aqua Fish? Or two like the Xperias?
Please stay tuned for the upcoming device announcement. F5122 will be one of them but the other one is yet to be announced. Thanks for your patience.
Glad to hear the F5122 will be officially supported 🙂
I already have the Sailfish X running on my F5122 and dual SIM is working fine after editing just two files in the system (http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1534540&postcount=1061).
What is lacking still is tethering and when fixing that the dual SIM needs to be
considered as well as in which connection to share.
Otherwise Sailfish X truly rocks on the said device and I enjoy the larger 64GB storage as well as the lower price than the F5121.
Keep up the good work in 2018!
And please, consider officially supporting Fairphone 2 in 2018! 😉
Happy New Year Jolla and Sailors. I wish you a good start into 2018. Let the year be full of energy, optimism and the neccessary luck to pursue your dreams.
Thank you so much, Spark. We wish you a happy new year as well!
I’m happy to read this. I have always supported you above all things. But please … Sailfish X still has many things that need to be fixed! (tethering and speakerphone above all) !!
Thanks for your comment. We are working hard on Sailfish X to have all the features working ASAP.
Happy New Year! Thanks for keeping all my phones and tablets up to date with the latest OS versions ever since I got my first Jolla phone.
I’m very excited to see what 2018 will bring. 😉
Thank you Ossi for supporting us 🙂 Let’s rock 2018!
Sounds good! Why don’t you get in touch with Samsung? Tizen is dead, but as its also based on Meego, perhaps a collaboration of Jolla and Samsung would be an great opportunity for both. Samsung is searching an OS to get away from Android, and Jolla as a small company has limited employee and money ressources, Samsung has plenty of both, and perhaps Tizen Apps could be easily adapted to Sailfish OS, so it would be a win win situation 🙂
I have to disagree – teaming up with the major player (and aside Apple for the mobile phone market that’s Samsung) IMHO won’t be a wise decision – a small business as Jolla can’t win aside those giants and will surely be swallowed and then either choked up and spit out broken or assimilated and be vanished – Tizen is a good example as is Palm (when bought by HP) etc…
It seems way more promising to team up with another niche company for the European market (BQ would be a good choice as they already proofed interest and standing with cyanogen mod and there is a lineage port for many of their devices available) and maybe for the US (Blue?)
Even the cooperation with Sony isn’t equal as Jolla has to use the open camera blobs which won’t provide a good camera experience – so why pay for decent hardware if you can’t make a use of it… The BQ x5 for example gives nearly the same camera results on Android, Cyanogen and Lineage – the camera is not the best around but still better than any on every existing native Sailfish device…
Just my thoughts…
Still didn’t flash my purchasees SailfishX as I’m still hoping for more options and then selling the Xperia-X with native android…
Happy new year btw 😉
Then there would also be the Team around Aaron Seigo, who were working for years on the Vivaldi Tablet, which even that they had big progress with it unfortunately stopped the project at some point, and are now working on a kde Smartphone which would also be Qt5 based, every collaboration that would bring more developpers and more compatible apps into the saifish environment would be usefull for the community, the base has to become bigger, otherwise the OS will never have a chance against Android/iOS
2018 seems to be interesting year, let’s see what it brings to us!
Happy New Year for all of us ang good wind for sailors! 😉
Happy new year to you too!
Will Sailfish X come to the Xperia XA1 Ultra, I just bought one of these nice devices, the others due to my ISP LTE band cannot work ?
That is unfortunately not yet confirmed. So please stay tuned.
Here one more user with Xperia XA1 Ultra (and also the original Jolla phone) who would really really like to see Sailfish X on this particular model. It is the top mid-range device with enough flash to consider doing dual boot. The only well-announced device now (F5121) is too small and discontinued. My vote to G3223 port!
Happy New Year to everyone. I hope Sailfish(X) will stay and that the OS will be improved steadily.
Thanks Kea! Happy new year to you too! Sailfish X will be improved indeed!
Not sure how and what blockchain or cryptocurrency can helpJolla or what what world you are living in but in my world this would be prioritized by any compony that wants their OS to be used.
1. Refund tablet backers
2. Fix proper and working exchange support.
3. Do what ever you like.
Happy New year waiting for the refund!
Happy new year to youvall!
“totally new: disrupting products not seen anywhere before” … Wov! Let us our imagine to fly. At last, what I have dreamed. Hopefully. 🙂 🙂
Finally. New year. New refund year. Btw what happend with december refund? Delayed, cancelled or complete. It’s not easy to understand what’s going on with these top secret refunds.
The December refund was completed before Christmas. We are going to keep updating one blog post regarding the refunds from now on.
Cant find that update.
Dear all @ Jolla,
Thanks for an amazing 2017 and all the best for the coming challenges you take. It sounds quite interesting that SailfishOS will take some momentum this year which is very good news. You guys are true HERE and you guys true MUST stay!
I am very excited about the progress you take with finishing the Sailfish X release and what next generation device(s) will run on Sailfish OS. Meanwhile I personally enjoyed the release of SailfishX which runs very well as my daily driver.
Thank you so much for this comment! We are soldiering on at full speed 🙂
Happy new year. I too am still awaiting my refund. I like the sound of Sailfish, but have no device that I can put it on.
If things are so good, why not pay out the remainder of whats owing?
I am a patient person,but my patience is wearing thin!
Happy new year to you too.
We are in fact paying back to our contributors at a steady pace. We can not however pay back everyone at once unfortunately. Thank you for being patient, we certainly hope you are in the next batch.
Happy New Year to all!
Looking forward to seeing what Jolla has in store for 2018.
Happy new year to you too!
You won’t be disappointed 😉
Why not leaving Google Analytics on this website behind? Better choose for Piwik !
leave everything google behind 🙂 The world would be a better place 🙂
Happy new year!
I hope this year i can have Sailfish OS Device, but it’s so hard find it in Indonesia.
That is in our plans for this year! Stay tuned!
My screen cracked as I dropped my Jolla phone. I tried to get a replacement screen from Jolla – no luck. Is there an easy way to replace this screen other than having to send the whole thing to Finland and pay a fortune? Barbara
Hi Barbara,
That is very sad to hear. unfortunately, as Jolla 1 gets rather old, spare parts are not the easiest things to be found when it comes to broken Jolla phones. You could try writing to our customer service (Zendesk) and see how they may be able to help you out.
Still waiting my refund!
Have the Compact x and $50. Waitin’ on Software . 🙂
Tad disappointing that Jolla couldn’t find good reasons to extend support to any Xperia Compact device (X Compact, XZ1 Compact). So it seems no Sailfish X for me in forseeable future.
Can we expect Xperia X camera autofocus fix with the next release? I’m planing to get one, but not properly working camera keeps me on hold 🙁
I’m a soon-to-be Sailfish user having some questions/suggestions.
1) A few days ago, I bought the license for the f5121; may I use it for the f5122, too? (or should I contact Jolla about it to have it changed?) Any specific dates when the official image for the f5122 will be available?
2) Why is this only on the blog, not Jolla news (https://jolla.com/#News)? In general, it perhaps makes sense to have a ‘user-friendly’ news blog and an ‘enthusiast’ news blog, where the latest technical challenges, updates, and issues are explained? I would love to learn more technical details about SFOS, especially the security concepts (what is encrypted, how are passwords stored, etc.)
3) What I would really like to see is a bounty program by Jolla, similarly to how it is done for elementary OS. For example: I would like to have a 2-factor login for Sailfish X (=BOTH pin required + fingerprint) and pay extra as a bounty.
So not only would I like to suggest ideas at together.jolla.com, but to have a kind of quote from Jolla how much it would cost to implement it. If it is within the range that <10 users can afford it, then have a miniature-sized crowdfunding campaign for it …
Since I'm traveling a lot, another outstanding feature would be to have some kind of deniable encryption, e.g., when asked by a custom and border protection officer to provide the login data, to only unlock a dummy account with a bare minimum of data. Once past the border control, using different login credentials to unlock the actual phone account/data (I'm talking about non-EU countries with questionable laws and/or law enforcement).
Wishing both you fierce sailors and you constantly energetic community a Very Happy New Year 2018 & thanks to Sami for the good-looking outlook !
Eagerly awaiting the news from the MWC 2018 considering the just announced “next generation device” :)) …
[ and maybe available even before autumn this time 😉 ]
Ashish from India, an early user of Firefox OS and now searching for alternatives to iOS and Android. One of my two next phones would be Jolla, one that I would keep for a long time.
You write “Further, there’s been some interest to support the more pocket-able version of Xperia X, the Xperia X Compact.”
I am a huge compact phone fan, and cannot tolerate these 5″ phones. I am game for such a Jolla phone port. Kindly consider this strongly.
How about adapting some of these Apps to the Sailfish UI 😛
> we expect together to roll out a sizable number of various Sailfish devices to the Russian market during 2018
So no plans for Canada or the U.S. availability for Sailfish X? Can you at least say why? I’d gladly give up my tablet refund . . .
Use someone in EU to get the package. It works with proper Sony Xperia X. I did it this way and it works for me in Canada, even with freedom mobile. I get 4G/LTE and everything fine.
I don’t understand why Jolla always shoots themselves in the foot. I had to bother my family to click through the website to buy the image.
Don’t bother waiting, use a VPN to make your purchase.
Hello from Norway, Jolla sailors!
I’m quite happy to see things happening on the Jolla front again. Best of wishes for 2018!
I also think it’s in place to voice some concern. Progress is frustratingly slow, and staying optimistic has become taxing to the point where “let’s wait until the next MWC” fills me more with dread than anticipation. Will there be something Real and Substantial offered this time, or will it be like the previous ones, where hype has been attempted on the flimsiest of grounds.
If I could offer something to help, I can only urge the Jolla sailors open their doors a little more. Stories of what’s going on inside the company (even if it’s filled with frustration, broken promises, delays and one technical hurdle after the other), is still magnitudes better than the drips and hints we’re getting now.
I can imagine the last few people hanging out on TJC or reading this blog are the most hardcore of the fans. Please give them what their loyalty is due – more hope and more substance, as soon as you can manage.
Happy to see it’s going good.
I’m looking forward to a dual sim support and especially the Compact version.
I currently have Honor 8 from my work and use a dual sim for my work and personal sim cards.
I could hop back to Sailfish if I could get a Sony Compact with dual sim 🙂
I am glad that you are thriving. Honestly I had a dream to have a linux (not a castrated one like Android) on my mobile phone since my first PDA(and it was about 15 years ago) and you’ve made it real. For that i am thankful to all persons who created this brilliant piece of art.
But there is a concern that I must share here. I am a citizen of Georgia and sailfish X is not supported there. Could you provide some information when will it be available for international sales? I am a member of the unofficial sailfish fan club (we call ourselves “the sect” :D) in Georgia and we are really thrilled to get the phone and also to support the development of Linux on the phone. we all have sailfish on our outdated hardware and craving for new Sailfish X phone. Also we think that if you include Georgia as a selling location, we can advertise it as a main OS for government and business in Georgia because of security and privacy at first and also for better ergonomics, performance and
Happy new 2018 and will gladly see updates from you.
Oikein onnellista uutta vuotta kaikille Jollalaisille!
I have some questions and maybe suggestions:
-What about other Sony Xperia devices, especially the top ones, like XZ or X performance? Do you have any plans or time estimation for it?
At the moment, Sailfish OS is a bit like Linux for PC’s: A great thing, but if you try to run it on the newest, coolest PC, several things don’t work.
-Did you ever though about using Sony’s pre-installed Android within a VM inside Sailfish (dunno if that’s possible)? Or a dual boot manager, like LiLo or GRUB for PC’s?
The point is, quite everyone, commercial companies, public administration etc., has an android app, and I think quite every app would run on a Sony phone with its standard OS (with the one inside Sailfish, maybe or maybe not).
Just as an idea for the future.
Three years ago I paid almost a thousand euros for 3 Jolla tablets. One for me, one should be a birthday present for my wife, another one was planned to be a graduation gift for my daughter. You all know, what happened…
Now, after 3 years of bla-bla-bla from Jolla you guys are still free, although I would like to see you in prison!
No matter, what you are inventing: None of the people around me would buy a Jolla product again. People powered!
@James Noori
I would like to see in the next update :
-more share options in folders with apps
-auto update ambiance with wallpapers from websites like 500px, bing etc
-in the settings be able to change the black background in the app draw list to a blur background that show the wallpaper only
Overall the ui is beautiful !!!
Mahtava kuulla, että tulossa uusi Sonyn laite ja vieläkin helpompi tapa asentaa Sailfish x.
Täältäki uudenvuoden toivotukset koko Sailfish yhteisölle!
Innolla odotan tulevaa 2.1.4 päivitystä. 😉
Toivottavasti TJC:ssa ehdottamani parannukset ja havaitsemani bugeista on apua teille.
Albeit I have the Sony Xperia X with Sailfish OS, I am yet to use it until another Sailfish OS powered phone debuts. I am afraid something bad might happen to my Xperia X. Ergo, having another Sailfish OS phone would serve as a contingency/back-up. Hopefully, such a phone appears soon. JOLLA, MORE SOFTWARE UPDATES WOULD BE NICE!!
Yes, it’s been two months since the last update, would be nice to get some early access. But better late than buggy.
Hey Jolla team – are you still recovering from Xmas or are there just no news to spread 😉 – come on – Dave needs a new blog post to spam it with a refund post *sorry Dave*
Hello again. By when will we have the second money back? Years go by and it seems that every day they like to laugh at us.
Now I am should be the focus on https://chathelp.org/aol-support/ because Actually, I need more secure my mail and my data, then I realized that any point of view there is any security having only AOL support so I could be only preferred AOL Support.