Jolla Tablet display and shipping update | Jolla Blog
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Jolla Tablet display and shipping update

It is approaching the end of July, and we’d like to update you briefly on the progress of Jolla Tablet development and delivery schedule.

Progress with Display

Regarding the unexpected challenges with the display component we told you about in our previous Jolla Tablet update, we are happy to report that the critical issues around this component have been resolved! There are still some tweaks to be done and loose ends to tie-up, followed by several rounds of rigorous testing to ensure a high level of quality.

Addendum July 28, 2015: You asked for more details, and we gathered more details for you. Please take a look at the “Jolla Tablet Hardware Update” post for an in-depth description on what were the issues with the displays, why we switched to a new display (not once, but twice), how we resolved the challenges with the latest display, and what you can expect going forward.

Shipping schedule update

The Developer Device loan program has been launched with invitations sent to selected developers. We anticipate that these developers will get their hands on Jolla Tablet developer devices from the pre-production batch very soon, as we will be shipping them in early August.

The risk of the July delivery schedule slipping which we mentioned earlier has unfortunately materialized due to the challenges with the display. Ramping up for general shipments to contributors will take about 3-5 weeks following the Developer Device program.

More to come

We are keeping this update short to answer some of your most pressing questions about the Jolla Tablet. In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing more on our progress and accomplishments in software, apps, packaging, accessories, developer program, and so on. Stay tuned by following us on the Jolla Blog with the ‘Jolla Tablet’ tag, and thanks for staying with us on this journey!



Carol Chen

Community Chief at Jolla. Globe (and star) trekker. Ardent about open source and open communication. Makes decent music with timpani, drums, piano, and vocal cords.


  1. Avatar

    If I read correctly, developers will get tablet probably in the first week of August, and by quoting Carol: “general shipments to contributors will take about 3-5 weeks following the Developer Device program.” we will receive tablet in middle of September… 🙁

    • Avatar

      Well, you do need to give the developers a week or two to actually use the devices they get. So, I would think at least the end of September. Still, though, that timing seems about right, if the display issues have only just now been fixed. You need at least a little time to do the final testing, packaging, and prep for shipping, even if you don’t want to take advantage of the info being provided by the developer device program…

      • Avatar

        cool, than we will receive this for X-mas as a present… 😛 I understand that they have issues and hope that product will finally “wash” the bad taste in our mouths for waiting almost a year for it (if it is going to be released by the end of September as you said), but for now I would lie if I wouldn’t say that I am bit dissapointed for not receiving it on time. To enjoy that precious peace of hardware and software…

        • Avatar

          Disappointing for sure , the May shipping date was ambitious to say the least . Just hope the tablet is 3/4 as good as I had hoped 4 months is a huge amount of time in tablet life upgrade time line . I’m sure the other tablets will be a step or 2 ahead of this hardware wise by September .
          3 month delay does not look good .

          • Avatar

            The first announced shipment date was actually “Q2”, not May… 😉

            • Avatar

              May was my understanding as well, I don’t think I imagined it

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                Both of you are right, ossi1967 and glen8ak. In the press release for Jolla Tablet, Q2 was mentioned. For the first phase of the Indiegogo campaign, we put an estimated delivery (to the best of our knowledge at the time) of May 2015. The estimated delivery for the second phase was indicated as June 2015.

    • Avatar

      It’ nice to see Jolla address our concerns and give clear answers. /sarcasm

  2. Avatar


  3. Avatar

    Great news that the display problem is fixed… Thx for the update.

  4. Avatar

    But good news its coming anyway….

  5. Avatar

    So by the time this gets released, it will be pretty old hardware again 🙁

  6. Avatar

    Wait for the Jolla phone was also long, but when it finally came, it was worth waiting for. Meanwhile there is Sailfish 2.0 for the phone, right?

    • Avatar

      +1 ! …. meanwhile 2.0 for the phone, as a honoring reward to the backers for being patient 😉

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        I will quote Dr. Evil: “Right”… 😛

  7. Avatar

    And what about the specifications of the new display? Is it a better display than the original one? Or is it a worse one?

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      Hi fvalpondi, the new display is better than the original with a more balanced color spectrum.

      • Avatar

        AdobeRGB ?
        Japanese, Taiwanese or Chinese technology ?
        ( if naming a certain type/manufacturer is impossible )

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          Hi launchpad, we’re planning a more detailed technical post as we speak, which hopefully will answer your questions and many more asked here. Thanks for your patience!

              • Avatar

                …. featuring an inside story now and then – once a month ? 😉 – may work miracles in understanding & perception :))

                Have you noticed the shift of tone in feedback / comments given ? An indispensable idea 🙂 !

                P.S. Satisfying details about the display’s specs will come by time, I’m sure … as you mentioned a “color spectrum” colorspaces such as RGB, AdobeRGB, etc. sprung to mind …

                • Avatar

                  I go through most of the comments (and enjoy reading yours), so yes, I’ve noticed the shift in tone 🙂

                  We’ve been sharing many stories, such as Hardware Adaptation in February, Design Insights in April, Developer related plans and many other developments like the regular Sailfish OS updates and Iteration plans.

                  We can still improve of course, and you can help by suggesting specific topics you’ll like to hear more about, thanks!

                • Avatar

                  “Have you noticed the shift of tone in feedback / comments given ?”

                  I have. And honestly, I can’t understand why Jolla would ever want to be open again about their development process. Jolla has been doing a fine job designing the tablet, and yet folks here have been screaming at the top of their lungs, for no apparent reason other than that they can’t stand the wait.

                  They should take a lesson from Apple: that company goes to extreme lengths to keep their every move a secret, chooses when to release products at their own whims, and the public _loves_ them for it…

  8. Avatar

    It was pretty obvious that release date will be in autumn or early winter so i wont be disappointed.
    Thanks for update and hopefully it will be septemper 🙂

  9. Avatar

    Nice. Can’t wait 🙂

  10. Avatar

    Well, I chose to stay dormant while the news of delay were setting in. But this timeline is indeed frustrating and disappointing. This was a tablet that was supposed to ship by Q2′ 2015 and will now likely land in our hands by end of Q3′ 2015. In addition to the infuriating wait that this campaign has had, the specs are going to be outdated when it finally releases. The amount was paid in November of 2014 for a tablet that was to land in our hands by middle of 2015. I am not going to keep ranting on but this is very disappointing from Jolla! You’ve lost a good fan who has loved his N900, N9 to this date.

  11. Avatar

    There were two stages of campaign – one in mid 2014 and next one early 2015. Do the people who contributed during first campaign get priority? Or will all contributors be treated same?

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      Hi vckane, the two stages of the campaign were in end-2014 and early-2015. And yes, we will start with shipping the tablets to those who contributed during the Nov.-Dec.2014 campaign.

      • Avatar

        Ok, thanks for the prompt reply. And when may the people (like me) who contributed in 2015 campaign expect the delivery? As I see in the campaign page, not more than 2000 (1878 to be exact plus the developer loan ones) are to be shipped in total. So it should be feasible to estimate delivery for the people like me who contributes in the 2nd phase, isn’t it?

        • Avatar

          The way the Indiegogo page is set up, it’s not showing the number of contributors from the first phase, so total number to be shipped is closer to 10,000. If and when we have more accurate shipment info from the factory, we will share them. You will also be contacted shortly before delivery starts, so that can be a good indicator as well.

  12. Avatar

    You have to be joking. It is not 1st of April, for God’s sake :/

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      I would take your pledge if you do not want to wait. Feel free to contact me.

  13. Avatar

    I would really love a more in depth technical blog post about the (making of the) tablet.

    What were the issues with the screen?
    How is this screen better than the first picked one?
    How did you resolve the issues now?

    Are there any more serious hurdles to overcome, or will the End of September shipping date be actually feasible?

    Can’t do a thing but waiting of course, but if there are more hurdles and september turns in to october then november… then I will be shipping it back, because the hardware specs will be outdated already and I could better pick a newer model from an android tablet.

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      A post were they talk about that would be great.

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        Hi TranquilWaters and Entry3, I will check with our HW engineers who are recovering from this display saga. They are of course still busy with verification process, so please allow them some time to prepare a response to this. Thanks!

        • Avatar

          Hi again, here is the post as promised, which our Chief HW engineer worked on during the weekend!

  14. Avatar

    Well the problem with this whole waiting and delaying is that the hardware will get kinda outdated-ish by the time we get the devices delivered.

    I mean this has been in making for what, 2 years now ? It will almost be 3 years till it gets released.

    Don’t get me wrong i like it and all, but the more wait time there is, the more average the hardware will be. 2gb ram? That’s meh. the 300 ppi screen? Apple will surely release some new monster in a few months. The quad core cpu? It’s gonna look pretty last gen when this year releases pop.

    • Avatar

      Hi katmai, we started the Indiegogo campaign for the Jolla Tablet in Nov.-Dec.2014, so it’s been less than a year.

      • Avatar

        Carol, as I recall you started campaign in November, and if shippment date is end of September, than you are only one month less from a full year…

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          Still less than a year, like Carol said 😉

  15. Avatar

    Will the Lastucase come then individually?
    Will the Jollaphone get Sailfish OS 2.0 prior to the tablet release?
    What were the old screen specs and what are the new ones?
    The 2nd perk “split screen feature” was told to be implemented Q3 when the tablets will be sent to backers. Does that mean this timeline is affected to?

    Delaying the delivery for a second time is in my opinion not as bad as the consistenty of this “trickle down” information desaster.

    • Avatar

      Hi hewi, thanks for your questions. The LastuCase should still be shipping with the Jolla Tablet. We will work with Lastu and confirm with you closer to delivery.

      The Jolla phone will receive Sailfish OS 2.0 with our next software update, as mentioned here. In a few weeks our early access customers will get a first try for it, and this is likely to be before the start of Jolla Tablet shipments.

      The new display is better than the original one with a more balanced color spectrum. I’m working on getting more details about the display in a future update.

      The implementation for Split screen views is still scheduled for Q3, as you can see here. While we’ve had some hardware challenges which can affect overall development, we do our best to keep the software and OS progress going.

      • Avatar

        Thanks Carol for the quick replies to my questions. So i will try to sail to more quiet waters and wait for Sailfish OS 2.0 to set sails on my Jollaphone.
        I guess we as community members and backers appreciate the answers given here.

        <3 wish you all in Tampere and Helsinki hauskaa viikonloppua!!!

  16. Avatar

    Awk well only another 2 or 3 months. Bit disappointed but sure…
    I’ve spent the money on it so it needs to be right first time. but in this case not on time.

    I personally add time on for extra things that can go wrong, most people would be okay with that.
    If the customer gets the product early then they are one happy scrappy.

  17. Avatar

    Well. Don’t loose hope Jolla people, some persons still appreciate your work !

    What you’re trying to do is unique, so it’s no surprise everything is not going as planned.

    I can’t wait to receive mine but well, I’ll do it because I know it’s going to be awesome 😉

    Cheers !

    • Avatar

      Hi lainwir3d, and many of you who have commented, your words of encouragement do help to give an extra boost to our Sailors. Thank you all!

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        You might think of encouraging some of us who are losing faith. I’m not a sailor yet and have my doubts as to whether I ever will be, and it’s people like me you should be pandering to, not people who are already blindly enthusiastic without any expectation that Jolla will keep to their word and honor their commitments, you’ve obviously already got those folks in the bag.

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      I think much more persons will appreciate your work if they know what do you doing…

  18. Avatar

    Its gonna be a great autumn, really looking forward to this and sailfish 2.0
    Thanks for sharing.


  19. Avatar

    While it’s frustrating to see another delay, I am still glad I backed this project instead of waiting for the Nokia N1 tablet, as it looks like that thing will never arrive to our shores, and this one still has a chance.

    I do hope that VAT and import-duties aren’t that high, as that’d put a major damper on this thing. A bit of info as to how much that would be, would be appreciated.

    Also, a bit more indepth info on the technical prowess of the tablet, as it stands today. And on the reason why the new display was chosen, which would help with the “together”-feeling from Jolla.

  20. Avatar

    I got to agree with the general jist of these comments.

    Love Jolla but am more than slightly disappointed. I also understand the hurdles you have faced in the development cycle but let me remind you that life is a give and take situation. While you take your time you might in turn need to give to the community.

    Jolla, if your not doing so already, you should be seriously looking at more realistic specs of the shipping machines. Your delays and the original year old tech specs only adding up to this being nothing short of an outdated tablet. And we, the early adopters, who should be your first wave out there preaching the word of Jolla, may end up venting nothing more than our disappointment and frustration.

    Be interesting to see how you handle this.

    Oh, and hopefully I have this in time for my birthday in November.

    FYI. Due to your delays I bought a 2nd hand Samsung Tab to travel from Oz to Europe last month as I needed a long haul distraction device; reader/vid/music. This is just another level of frustration. Having to shell out for something that I thought I had already bought.

    • Avatar

      Thank you anomac for your feedback. We’ll do our utmost to start your birthday celebrations early.

  21. Avatar

    Well this is disappointing. Not only is there a further delay but developers rather than contributers seem to be being given priority. Why?

    Communication is also still not open in line with Jolla ideals as we still don’t have a clear schedule of when dispatch will take place.

    Carol I understand hardware is not an easy business and hence why Jolla is getting out of it but it would be good to know what we are going to get from all this?

    Can I suggest perhaps a supply of batteries for our Jolla phones which are now not holding charge so well? 🙂 Thanks. Mike

    • Avatar

      I also feel a bit disappointed but you cannot complain about the loan to developpers before we received our tablets since it was announced a long time ago.
      The good point in this is that they will be able to improve their apps early enough in order we have a better version of them when we receive our tablets.

      • Avatar

        Hi ninepine, as al1guillet mentioned, we have previously communicated about the device loan program with a planned earlier shipment of pre-production devices. This delivery schedule has been affected as well.

        The developers we have selected have contributed a lot of their time and effort towards Sailfish OS in terms of apps, porting, testing, and so on. Many of them are also contributors to the Jolla Tablet. In granting them a bit earlier access to the Tablet, SDK and software releases, they are also helping to shape and improve the tablet experience for all contributors!

        • Avatar

          Hi Carol. If you needed to let developers test the device why didn’t you make it clear in early July that there was no prospect of delivering by end July? Unless you had the pre production devices ready at that time any suggestion that you could hit the July deadline was clearly false.
          Sorry but we need far more transparency and clarity on what is happening.
          Other than suggesting that the screen problems were more serious than disclosed and that these are now fixed we know nothing more about when shipments will actually start.
          Have the devices shipped from China? How long will they take to arrive in Finland? Has the logistics solution mentioned on 6 July been implemented? Is dispatch dependent on a certain level of response from the developers? In short what else is on the critical path please?
          It would also be good to know please where Marc is in all of this? He exhorted us to be people powered and support the project. We’ve done this so real information rather than the current partial report would be good please.

          Many thanks.

          • Avatar

            Hi ninepine, the earlier estimates had a shorter lead time from the Developer program. Current estimates will put general shipments to start in end-August to mid-September. The logistics solution have been implemented, although the devices have not been shipped from the factory yet.

            Marc is currently on vacation, taking a break to get some rest so he can return to serve you all better.

            • Avatar

              Hahaha! His house is on fire and he takes a break before putting out the fire? By the time he comes back there will be no walls standing…..Marc taking a break how cheeky!!!

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                @mobility I keep wondering where your hatred comes from. What you’re mistaking as fire is the fireworks from what is probably the greatest milestone in Jolla’s history. When take a break if not after all the hard work has been done, everything’s on track and most of your business partners are away, too?

  22. Avatar

    Well I think there’s a couple of things that you at Jolla should have to think.
    The first is that most of us have bought a device that was preatty a good deal for the price and the specs, one year later it maybe not.
    The second is that if you decide to make some heavy changes to that device, you should ask to the community, because of the first reason.

    Makeing some upgrades during the development of the device is preatty normal. This is not if these upgrades take more than six months of delay.

    As everybody above I know I can make nothing than wait, but this will change my opinion in the Jolla company… I was looking to that tablet (expected in may) to see if the sailfish os could be a good competitor for my blackberry devices, now I’m pretty sure it’s not 😀

  23. Avatar

    Good news that things are progressing but would really like to see my tablet in my hands soon.
    Read that Jolla are stopping making hardware in the news and concentrating on sailfish system if so guess this must be the last product when it ships.

  24. Avatar

    I don’t care anymore, I will send it back or sell it on eBay.

    Don’t claim May if you need until September. Set realistic dates. If I knew it would take until September, I wouldn’t be pissed.
    The thing is, in all those campaigns, nobody cares about setting realistic dates. They all know that they can get more money when claiming earlier shipments. And there is no real retribution for them doing so as there are no refunds.

    The funny thing is, all the campaigns I packed from smaller, even private people, who where collecting 20k for a little dev-board or whatever, have been better in keeping the backers up to date and had less delays. I know for myself that in the future I will not back any projects like this anymore.

    • Avatar

      …. well depending on whether you’ve been truly into supporting & strengthening the Sailfish venture you’ll be arriving at different conclusions. Participating in a demanding venture like this from scratch will not reduce to buying “the latest stuff” of the shelves – but hey, you got a roadmap for delivery in less than a year ! 🙂
      Not to get me wrong: Sailfish still remains a risky venture in many respects, but one of a kind where the odd are good and I therefore wouldn’t want to miss participating & supporting ! 😉

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        What does this have to do with what I said?

        • Avatar

          … you seem to be one of those people that explicitly need risk warnings stated anywhere:
          “Objects in the mirror … “, “… products may not be suitable … If you have any doubts seek advice from an independent financial advisor”, etc.
          At my opinion, you’re not the type of person who I think should venture in more complex (aka risky), tech-related undertakings.

          Of course you’ll be complaining vigorously upon reading this 🙂 ….

          • Avatar

            No launchpad, you do not get the point. This whole Sailfish OS / Jolla thing depends on users/developers/manufacturers. The manufacturer of the hardware keep lying to all others, this pisses me off as well. I’ll probably also keep the package unopened, I am just as fed up with it, my Jolla Phone is already a brick…

            • Avatar

              I didn’t intend to be rude but clear :
              the Airbus A380 came at 16 months in delay and is flying safely(!), the B 787 came with a delay of even 42 months and is a highly demanded, competitive aircraft – so if the product is great, the engineers committed the only risks remaining are unforeseeable, but solvable technical problems inherent to complex matters.
              So no need to “sue” jolla for dishonest statements. They always kept the community up-to-date and explained why. You can bet whatever you like, but if they’re not going to deliver by autumn, their credibility will take serious damage, and I’m sure they are very, very aware of this – thus elliptical in statements right now.
              [ Even though I wished a little more concise information about the mysterious display incompatibilities !! ]

          • Avatar

            Is everything a joke to you? What risk you are talking about? The risk that company should take or what? Getting the money and not delivering something is called fraud, which is actually illegal. I am not talking about Jolla for this case, since they will deliver tablet (not sure when due to fact that they postponed release for the second time now, but eventually they will). I am talking in general… Regarding Jolla due to their pattern behavior of releasing “old hardware” and disappointment of their fans, they will suffer the same faith as Blackberry. Sorry for being honest and probably someone won’t like to read this or will react by replying on my post, but mock my words. if they don’t change their attitude they will fail as a company.

            • Avatar

              Hi Turbinenreiter, prometheus and all, we set the first delivery estimate to be May 2015, given what we knew and planned back in November 2014. Our intention was not to claim an unrealistic date and then change it later.

              And thanks again for all your honest comments and feedback. We do read and appreciate them, and will try to improve based on the constructive suggestions.

              • Avatar

                ‘We do read and appreciate them, and will try to improve based on the constructive suggestions.’

                Thanks. I don’t want to trash you, I want you to get better, because I care about you.

  25. Avatar

    GREAT NEWS. I understand with the limited resourses available – the Tablet, OS2 and the announcement of the tie-up with Intex, it must be very busy for all involved – things are coming together at a rapid rate now. My old N9 is getting old and tired, as is my MicroSlop driven Asus laptop, so hopefully well before Xmas I will have the Tablet, closely followed by a up-spec’d Intex Aqua phone. Don’t let whingers knock the wind out of your sails. SAIL ON.

  26. Avatar

    @Turbinenreiter: You are right. I actually contributed to the campaign -beside the fact that I wanted to support Jolla- since I needed a Tablet for a trip in September. So I liked the Tablet as my birthday present. My birthday this year is already past now so that I will get a Tablet, I do not need any more. I have no other choice than choosing another Tablet from another company. Really disappointing…

    • Avatar

      The thing is backers DO care about the dates, but the campaign runners don’t. They just set the shortest possible timeline and then delay.

      Sure, I’m all for Jolla, and I want them to succeed. Sure, trouble with manufacturing happens.

      Maybe next time add a timebuffer for such troubles. A campaign that claims shipping withing 12 months may not be as sexy as one that claims 6 months, but it’s unfair to the backers to always claim the shortest timelines in the hopes of absolutely nothing going wrong.

      • Avatar

        Yeah, I see. It was my fault. I believed what was promised since it was my first and perhaps last crowed-founding project.

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        Your statement that campaign runners don’t car about dates is quite exagerated. It is not because the delay was not respected for this campaign and probably it was not on purpose that it is true every runner.

        By the way, what do you prefer? An on-time tablet with a software in alpha version and a bad screen or a delayed tablet with a good software and a good screen.
        Don’t forget how important is a good screen on a touch device. People that bought the Jolla phone know how bad is its screen if you are in a very sunny place.

        • Avatar

          or perhaps one year old hardware…? Turbinenreiter is right, they should be adding more time buffer for potential issues that pop up…, it is like I am looking at my company. They put the shortest time possible for delivery date, and constantly postponing the release date. This is actually showing how bad are management abilities. Do they even communicate with their hardware manufacturers or development team?!?!?

      • Avatar

        …. so, “Money-Back”-button to be included next time !

    • Avatar

      Hi Herr_Mine, we are sorry we missed your birthday, but we hope we can still be in time for your trip in September.

  27. Avatar

    Super 🙂 I didn’t believe that Jolla send devices end of August. I’m temporary on holidays and I use Samsung tablet for a reader, browse & video (I’m lucky that I didn’t sell tablet before holidays). My proposal is: we can wait for jolla tablet but when will get out new jolla phone we will have best discount, becouse we are fans of independent SailFish OS and Linux lovers and we support Jolla that they live. Best regards and I’m still waiting for my Jolla tablet.

  28. Avatar

    How will the delivery work for people who will leave the shipment states before the shipment is done ? I will do so at the beginning of august, so I hoped the end of July shipment would work.

    That the shipment for May would probably be postponed wasn’t a great surprise, since this is their first Tablet. And I am sure that it will be a great one !

    The fears for the hardware are unnecessary I think. I would say, you cannot really compare the Jolla hardware with the hardware of an android tablet, since they are not running the same OS. Apple tablets have generally specs that are not as good as those of android tablets and I have heard no one who says one feels better because of the hardware. I think, that android is not far as good optimized for the devices it runs as iOS is for iPads. And I expect that SailfishOS is optimized for that tablet.

    I hope I can soon have my Jolla Tablet in my hands and that it will not be a too big problem because of where I will be. I would feel better if I’d know how i can get my tablet. So how will it be for people who move out of the shipment states before the final delivery ?

    • Avatar

      Hi Jelum, thanks for your words of support and understanding. We are certainly optimizing Sailfish OS to run smoothly on the Jolla Tablet.

      Regarding the shipment, would you be able to offer another delivery address in a supported country? Please contact Jolla services so we can work something out!

  29. Avatar

    It’s a littlebit dissapointing, but think of a Jollatablet in your hands soon. Not the performance is important but oure lifestyle. I can wait and after my holliday I will have our tablet. Sailors keep up the spirit!

  30. Avatar

    Sorry folks, but another delay ontop of a delay? Where do I find the button to get my money back. I’m deeply disappointed in how this campaign has panned out; I expected better from Jolla and now it just looks like any other crowd funding crashola.

    • Avatar

      That’s a good point. Actually my girlfriend bought it for me and now it is a very frustrating situation for her. She has to wait until September to give me my birthday present. Is there an opportunity that she will get her money back?

        • Avatar

          After paying VAT and customs charges. No thanks.

          And Jolla can’t go and hide behind the “It’s a contribution, its not refundable”. That part of the terms and conditions refers to Indiegogo’s liability. As they say

          “A contribution is a transaction that takes place purely between the contributor, campaign owner and payment processor. If you’d like a refund for your contribution, please contact the campaign owner directly with your request.”

          And this is me asking how I contact the Jolla campaign owner directly for a refund.

          • Avatar

            codepope and Herr_Mine, please send a request to Jolla services and we will work with you to resolve this.

  31. Avatar

    Hey Community Chief Carol. Seems your crowd are revolting!!

    Little or no management there at all. All I see is glib remarks about sailors.

    Just now I finished reading online how Jolla is splitting the company in two at the end of the summer. Now you are realising profits from the OS licensing. Doesn’t instil great confidence in Jolla as a hardware manufacturer.

    Makes me think that raising funds for the Tablet was nothing more than a ruse to fund the OS development, I realise that you need an OS for the tablet but was this all to get something so you could ditch the hardware further down the road?

    Oh I forgot. Real questions and queries are not answered here.

    Might stick to me Samsung.

    • Avatar

      “Might stick to me Samsung.”

      Please do! That means more funding for us Americans and our closed (and quite profitable!) mobile operating systems. You’ll get your toys no more quickly by sending your money to us instead of to Jolla, but the advantage is that we won’t even give you a clue about what we’re working on or when we will provide it, so you’ll never have to know about how long a project took or about the many projects that failed and were scrapped.

      Surely you understand now that knowing even a little bit about the internal problems of a _real world_ development process is painful. Issues occur and must be resolved. Dates shift. Best to just close your eyes, cover your ears, and hand your money over to people who keep their mouths shut. 🙂

      — Copernicus, a (proud?) American.

      • Avatar

        Funnily enough the flow of information and the interaction with other crowd funded entities I have had in the past has been great, and guess what, some of them were American. Don’t give up on your sisters and brothers just yet Copernicus.

        Oh and by the way, Samsung is a Korean owned company. Not sure where you were going with the whole closed and quite profitable thing.

        And I do fully understand the idea of innovation and setbacks. You may want to read my comment again, it’s got nought to do with this. My first comment does touch on it briefly.

        Perhaps I should have kept my post to a single idea thread. To break it down for you…

        First was a shot over the bow about how well they are managing their community. Not.

        Their communications should be talking to their audience, with their audience. Information has been rather thin on the ground and when it does come, lacks depth and authenticity.

        Second I was commenting at the motivation Jolla as a company has to split it’s hardware and software sides into separate entities as reported in the press. Not seen any American, I’m thinking MS or Apple here, companies do this.

        Third I bought a second hand Samsung Tablet to ‘tide me over’ as the delays meant I was tablet less with a long haul trip ahead of me. My first long haul trip, in May, came and went and I suffered not having a device during that trip. Therefore for this July trip I spent money and immediately received goods. I experienced that rush, the consumer high.

        Don’t get me wrong, I would like to experience that same feeling with my Jolla tablet. Just now, with no delivery in sight, and it’s been so long coming that my enthusiasm is, as you can probably understand, waning.

        Carol never said when we would get it. I believe it was yours and other speculation as to various timeframes. I’m hoping for my birthday, November rather than Christmas.

        • Avatar

          Hi again anomac, sorry for the delay in answering all your questions. I’ve been responding to the comments as fast as I could (here and several other channels). The funds from the Indiegogo campaign go into producing and supporting the tablet, not only the OS development (which is part of tablet production of course).

          Current estimates will put general shipments to start in end-August to mid-September timeframe. We hope you’ll experience the consumer high soon enough. We will also continue to work on improving our communications, thanks for your constructive input.

  32. Avatar

    I would like a refund!

      • Avatar

        That part of the terms and conditions refers to Indiegogo’s liability. As they (Indiegogo) say:

        “A contribution is a transaction that takes place purely between the contributor, campaign owner and payment processor. If you’d like a refund for your contribution, please contact the campaign owner directly with your request.”

        Jolla are misleading people saying they can’t give refunds.

        • Avatar

          Following the link I gave:

          1- “Contributions on Indiegogo are nonrefundable according to the Indiegogo Terms of Use”.
          It means that Indiegogo will not refund you but you have to ask Jolla.

          2- A bit further, you can read: “Jolla does not refund any contributions made. However, if you are not happy with the product we deliver, you may return the tablet within 14 days of receiving it.”

          I have nothing else to add. I think you get an answer from Carol Chen when she reads you.

          • Avatar

            Yes, that’s called hiding behind Indiegogo’s terms.

            It’s entirely up to Jolla as to wether they refund, Jolla have decided not to and will punish contributors by forcing them to pay customs charges, VAT and handling and shipping back to Jolla all of which won’t be refunded.

            Whenever that is of course, if ever.

      • Avatar

        … I’m willing to take over his investment and his tablet any time – just contact me if interest persists 🙂

    • Avatar

      再次谢谢 Tyler.

  33. Avatar

    Big thanks for the update! I have no problem whatsoever with the delay, I can wait for a good product. In the meantime there will be SO 2.0, so it’s enough time to get used to it until the tablet arrives. Would be nice to hear about the specific problems you faced with the tablet and how you resolved it!

    • Avatar

      We’re working on providing more info now with a post brewing, as we were previously focused on resolving the issues with all our resources. Thanks for the support!

  34. Avatar

    My take on this is that if people wanted a polished product quickly then they should have bought an iPad or a Samsung tablet. I support Jolla because I want a product not made by the giants. Something different. Jolla is a small company and they are obviously doing their best. If things get delayed then so be it. I can wait. I’ve got a life.

    • Avatar

      “Indiegogo allows people to solicit funds for an idea, charity, or start-up business.” Quote from Wikipedia.
      There is no doubt in my mind that receiving actual device is *just* a bonus. I see myself as a patreon to an idea. My stance is same as it is for neo900: specs, ETA and bottom-line are irrelevant.

  35. Avatar

    Hi Carol,

    1. Thank you for the update.

    2. It’s slightly disappointing with another delay. Would be nice if jolla could step up and cover the Tax for its supporters. Please investigate that…

    • Avatar

      Hi Dave999, it’s quite unlikely, but I’ll put the suggestion forward, and perhaps explore different ways of thanking our community and contributors. This could be a good topic for discussion on TJC?

      • Avatar

        I would imagine! not tax per say, could be other things as well. The note in jolla phone was a nice act. started a thread @toghterJolla but most users there are againt. they are Fans. to me this act would be more towards sceptical and new customers.

        Thx for all the answers

  36. Avatar

    Thank you for the update.
    I can wait for a good product.


  37. Avatar

    Very frustrating! I’m a Jolla customer from the first day on. I bought 6 Jolla Phones and ordered 3 Tablets. But I’m tired of waiting. One tablet should be a birthday present for my wife in May. Now it’ll be delivered in Sep.? Oct.? Nov.?

    And when it’s here, the waiting continues with an unready SailfishOS 2.0, without standard apps (like Office). It’ll become summer 2016 until the issues with the OS are fixed. So it was with the Jolla Phone two years ago.

    I will move on to another system. It’s too late for SailfishOS in my world!

    • Avatar

      Hi JollaPhot, thank you for being such a great supporter from day 1, and we apologize to have kept you waiting for the Jolla Tablet. Current estimates will put shipment start in end-August to mid-September timeframe.

      For your Office needs, we have Sailfish Office which is based on the Calligra project. There is also improved Android application compatibility, if you choose to use Android apps. Sailfish OS 2.0 on the Jolla Tablet will be at a more mature state than what we had with Sailfish OS 1.0 on the Jolla phone 1.5 years ago.

      We hope you will continue the Sailfish OS experience with us!

  38. Avatar

    Thanks for this update! I’m looking forward to the tablet, of course hoping that there won’t be any more delays.
    Good luck to the sailors for their final spurt!

    What I’m wondering a bit:
    I was reading and watching several reviews of the tablet after the MWC show. The screen got great feedback! So why did jolla decide to change the screen, knowing the risks and challenges that they could face because of this?
    I really hope that the new screen is truly better than the one they used for the prototypes at the MWC show. And not e.g. just cheaper in production. Because I coulnd’t find any specific info about how the new screen is better than the old one, just that colours are better? How about e.g. brightness and dynamic range? Or is there somewhere a more specific statement? I assume that the resolution will be the same.

    • Avatar

      This is very good question, I have read the same, very good feedback for the old screen (which in Jolla opinion are “not good”), so why did Jolla made the change?

      • Avatar

        I’m guessing the old screen is not produced anymore, its price changed (too much) or the factory wasn’t prepared to deliver it the amounts Jolla needed. Maybe the OS work wasn’t on time either…

        I have taken part of few crowdfunding projects, and none of them have been “on time”. I did not expect anything else on that regard from Jolla either. I must admit though that better communication about _everything_ was needed. I hope you improve that sooner than later.

        And I would still support Jolla’s next device and further work with the Sailfish OS.

        • Avatar

          Hi ttommila et. al, the screen had problems which were not immediately apparent during the MWC timeframe, and it was not acceptable to us. Upon further investigation, we found that it couldn’t be fixed properly, thus the need for a new and better display. We will follow up shortly on this blog with more detailed technical explanation.

  39. Avatar

    I’m sad to see that many people don’t seem to understand what ‘backing a project’ means. It’s NOT equivalent to buying or ordering… Anyway, you guys at Jolla, don’t get discouraged, just keep going and take your time to finish the project to your high standards. Maybe it will be done a few months later than promised but it will still be amazing.

  40. Avatar

    @Carol Chen, I feel for you because I don’t think you have any ideas of what’s happening, are you actually involved in any of this or you are only being spoon with information by the jolla guys for you to come and share with backers. Because hands on heart I do not believe that you have any idea of exactly what’s going on apart from whatever those guys feed you.
    Whatever you told to us backers reminds me of General Colin Powell sitting in the United Nation assembly presenting to the world the evidence that Iraq had WMD whilst Bush, Chiney and Donald Rumsfeld laughed in the background why because they knew everything was false and they knew this because the CIA and MI5 told them there was nothing but they still wanted the story to be told even though Colin Powell didn’t know this at the time that what he was presenting to world was false. The truth is those guys at jolla didn’t learn any lessons from all the delays during the jolla phone saga.

    • Avatar

      Hi MoBility, thanks for your concern 🙂 I am a part of the Jolla team, and while I do not know all the technical details related to hardware and software, I am involved in the process and I’m aware of the issues and uncertainties we are facing as a company as we undertake this crowdfunding campaign (which we’re doing for the first time) for the tablet (which we’re making for the first time). We are sharing info as we learn more about the situation ourselves.

  41. Avatar

    I have to admit i’m a bit disappointed with the delay, i expected one delay, until July or mid year, but until September it’s disappointing.
    @Carol Chen, i have one question, when you write “will take about 3-5 weeks following the Developer Device program” you mean when you start shipping the Developer program or when you receive enough feedback and corrections from the program? I fear that the comments saying September might be wishfull thinking…
    I’ll wait and hope that it doesnt end like KDE Vivaldi tablet, and i will have to get another tablet to the interlude.

    • Avatar

      Yeah this one is curious isn’t it. A blog post using phrases like “Delivery Update” & “Shipping Schedule” and naught about when that might be.

      Curious and curiouser.

      Carol perhaps you might like to give us more solid information around the Developer Device Program dates so as to put that 3-5 weeks into some sort of context.

      • Avatar

        Hi laruibasar and anomac, it will be about 3-5 weeks following the shipment of developer devices, which translates to roughly end-August -> mid-September for delivery start.

        • Avatar

          Thank you for your answer.

          Please know that despite the disappoitment i still support jolla and would still fund it in a crowdfunding campaign if need it.

          I do hope jolla improve more the status updates of the tablet, or show the roadmap/goals to the supporters.

  42. Avatar

    For those who are griping… you bought an undeveloped product. What did you expect… no bumps and hurdles along the way? That is not realistic. This is the price we pay for being on the ‘bleeding’ edge (and yes, there is a reason why they call it that!). If you did/don’t want to endure some delay and frustration (and you haven’t even received theactual product yet… just wait, or put another way, set some realistic expectations there as well) you should not buy an undeveloped, untested product. Go down to your local retail store, try products until you find one you like, and buy that. Less exciting for sure, but also less risky too. As for me, just looking forward to trying something completely new and different. Warts and all 🙂

  43. Avatar

    Just a quick follow-up to my previous comment. This appears to be completely normal for crowd-funded initiatives. I am involved in 3 right now: the first is a software product. We have seen bits and pieces of it but not the “all we promised” version yet. Second was pi-top, a raspberry pi laptop, that still hasn’t materialized. And last was the Jolla tablet. The way things are going the tablet may beat the other two to the finish line. These things take time!

  44. Avatar

    I know we are all keen on getting our tablet ASAP, but c’mon you guys, it’s an incredibly hard undertaking launching a product like this, so I say we should cheer all sailors on instead of moaning around about a 4 month delay. It’s not the end of the world sheesh!

  45. Avatar

    Lots of people here who don’t understand how Indigogo works. There was never any guarantee that *a product that didn’t even exist at the time of seeking funding* would be done by a specific date. We funded a process from early design to possible completion – there was never any guarantee that we would get anything (seriously – look it up!) There was always the chance that between funding and delivery (if any) there would be slippage in the time-frame as a result of things discovered along the way. At the very least, you should have expected that the software would create problems (I’m expecting a delay when the developers find problems that need to be solved)

    To those who want “up-to-date hardware” – why?? There isn’t enough improvement in hardware in a year to make any difference to the function. If you care so much about the tech-spec, there will be an Apple Store somewhere nearby. Otherwise, be happy that you are getting a genuinely new device with a great OS – far better than being another i-Drone.

    If Jolla manage to get the tablet out with no major bugs within a year from the funding starting, I’ll be very impressed, but then I always thought May/June was ambitious. I’ll be delighted when I do get it, as long as it works properly for basic tablet functions – email, watching video, and reading – so I’m more than happy to wait for a fit-for-purpose gadget to be released.

    • Avatar

      Thank you Peakcrew, stephanhf, marksmithhfx and many more for your understanding comments.

      We do read all comments and take them to heart (positive and negative), and act upon them as appropriate.

  46. Avatar

    Dear Disappointed:

    Developing hardware is difficult.

    Harder than software, as the bug fix turn around time is quite longer and more expensive.

    Especially when the company is very small and does not have in-house chip makers.
    It’s also trickier to debug. One tiny thin misplaced line can cause delays. A chip with a 0.2 mV variance can wreak havoc on other chips.

    Unexpected things happen.

    Had Jolla shipped this tablet in the original time frame, you all would have had a sub-par experience with bad hardware and rightly complained about that. The return rate would have been quite high.

    Let’s put it this way, you are getting a higher quality product than originally planned.

    At this point in time, Jolla isn’t about the fastest, biggest, newest hardware in town. The big boys have 1,000,000 times the budget and can afford to splurge on quantum holographic touchscreens, batteries that run on air and propeller hats that read brainwaves as an input method.

    What is important right now, is that the software runs well on the hardware, and that the hardware works as expected.

    Jolla are the rebel outcasts who are doing an amazing job with ~100 people that takes the behemoths (literally) thousands of people to do.

    Good things come to those that wait.


    • Avatar

      Yes, HW development is difficult, slow and expensive; I know there are bugs and delays, etc;
      (I think Jolla do not design custom chips! and i think the CPUs of apple iphone is made by TSMC…)

      I dont want “the fastest, biggest, newest hardware”, but would like to own one now and not in the far future.

      I backed because a lot of reasons, for example: “Be a part of making the world’s first people powered tablet”, “That’s why we’re looking to you, the community, to be part of creating the Jolla Tablet.”, “you’ll get your voice heard in our community forum”, “You’ll be part of an open, world-first innovation” or “we want to shake up the technology world” (from the indiegogo page)

      BUT what I get?
      I rarely get any meaningless information about the tablet. Jolla do not provide any information about the difference between the old and the new display. (If they know the difference they can say it to us (except they signed an NDA witch is in conflict with the “open” and “community” (etc) mentality))
      And there is a lot of HW based feature request, some of them is not too complicated, but i think they do not implement any of them…
      There is a lot of feature request at, wich get the same meaningless “we will discuss that later” (not precise quote) answer…

      And i think it is difficult to do a “world-first innovation” or to “shake up the technology world” with a 1-1.5 year old device. (They had a prototype at the beginning of the year, so the development started much earlier.)

      • Avatar

        Hi raron, we have put our resources into fixing the display issues, and I’m now bugging our hardware expert to provide more technical details of what went on. You can expect another update on this blog shortly related to that.

        Regarding feature requests on TJC, we have accepted many and added them to roadmap, for example [1], [2] and [3] I found with a quick search. You can notice also when we track certain questions, whether they are in progress (example), or already implemented and in release (example).

        • Avatar

          I am really interested in a more technical blog post, I am waiting for it…

          I spoke about HW based feature requests- (and maybe it was a bit exaggerated)

          But (apart from that) there is not a detailed post about why we have to wait a lot longer!

          I enjoyed reading the “Day Zero: bootstrapping” and i hope there will be more posts like that.

  47. Avatar

    I just don’t get why people have gotten so angry with these delays. It was a project funding campaign, NOT a yet another product release in your favorite vendor’s webstore. Only a fool expects everything to go as planned in this kind of projects. So guys, grow up, stop the rampage.

    And Jolla, please improve your communication with the community. I bet lot of things (delays, bugs, whatever) could be forgiven if you just communicated everything with the community. To me, it seems that Jolla’s current communication strategy is to try to control everything and minimize risks. It seems that some kind of insecurity or fear (of mistakes?) leads to this current, somehow reserved, communication style.

    I’m still patient and excited Jolla Tablet backer, hoping to get a great and a bit unlike product in the end.

  48. Avatar

    I, too, am disappointed that there are delays. I have bought/supported four items from Indigogo. NONE of them have been on time. They all have excuses. I am tired of the excuses. I WILL NEVER buy/support another item from Indigogo. These people that want investments are terrible at actually providing what they promise. They are obviously TERRIBLE business people. They have never learned one of the most important things in business. And that is to OVER Perform and Under Promise BTW I started my own business over 30 years ago and it is still going.

    • Avatar

      It might be that you just don’t see any of the delays and cancellations of other companies products that develop them completely in-house. Crowdfunding forces the company to reveal the schedule (usually) well before an in-house developed one would. Meaning there can be more potential problems that may affect delivery date.

      There’s many ways to communicate the progress, and Jolla’s hasn’t been the best so far. But I haven’t been active in the forums either, maybe some bits of “unofficial” info was available there?

  49. Avatar

    Hurdles are expected in any project, but it would be a lot more easier to understand and accept when the community is informed regularly.

    • Avatar

      Thanks verydeep for your comment, we’re doing our best to keep information going. Btw, thanks for your great submissions to the ambience photo campaign as well 🙂

      • Avatar

        Dear Carol, please sincerely reconsider communication strategy. Not just about the tablet, but about other aspects of the Sailfish story as well.

        About the crowdfunding campaign: I received 24 updates on from Pebble between March and early June when it was delivered. I received only a handful of updates from Jolla between November and late July, and the product has been delayed quite a bit.

        As to other information. What’s Jolla up to with the Russian government? I have bought the phone and the tablet, because I love the idea of using an independent and European operating system. Cooperating with Putin’s government, notorious for interment censorship a.o., seems totally contrary to the foss ethos that Jolla embraces in its communications. Maybe there’s nothing fishy going on, but you need to at least address the concerns. I’ve heard nothing from Jolla on that topic yet.

        If Jolla really is people powered, then you need to at least inform the people in an open and complete way. I find it easier to accept bad news than to hear cagey excuses. Maybe there are just too many lawyers looking at press statements instead of passionate developers.

  50. Avatar

    This is a PR desaster – whoever runs marketing for Jolla should be really ashamed!
    I work for over 15 years as a tech journalist and I recall this bad PR from other companies, all of which have gone bankrupt.
    Only communicating minimal information, giving infos at the latest posdible dates. This is disgusting.
    When I backed the project, I knew, this would never be ready on time. And it did not bother me. It even does not bother me to get outdated hardware, if the tablet ever gets released. But what upsets people including myself: Everybody thought we were one big family, TOGETHER against Apple, Samsung & Co. But instead we are treated like idiots, that do not realize, when they are getting as little information as possible.
    And this is mostly the fault of the PR guy or woman. Be ashamed of yourself for keeping is so long in the dark. Be ashamed for not trying to get all of the infornation in time, to keep us updated. And be ashamed for ruining some, if not all of the, credibility of the company you work for.
    I am deeply disappointed.

    • Avatar

      “Everybody thought we were one big family, TOGETHER against Apple, Samsung & Co. But instead we are treated like idiots, that do not realize, when they are getting as little information as possible.”

    • Avatar

      “Everybody thought we were one big family, TOGETHER against Apple, Samsung & Co. But instead we are treated like idiots, that do not realize, when they are getting as little information as possible.”

  51. Avatar

    For me, it doesn’t matter to wait a while longer. I find it better to get a better product. Too many products and projects are delivered in time today, but not ready and free of errors at all and than they have to improve like a kind of tinkering.

    And why should the hardware specs becomes outdated when the tablet will be delivered a few months later. I don’t purpose to use the tablet only a few weeks or month and buy a new one, when there are devices with newer hardware specs. For me it will become a longterm using device.

  52. Avatar

    So obviously it’s been known for some time that the end of July date would not be met, just as it was known early on that the original May shipment date would not be met, and I’d like to point out that in both cases you did not choose to inform your patrons until the deadline was upon you. I also would like to note the pattern of responding to the positive posts who say, ‘Oh well delays are to be expected’ and not responding to the comments that rightfully chastise you for your failure to perform and meet your commitments.

    • Avatar

      And for the record I am extremely enthusiastic about the concept, that’s why I am an early supporter, but think Jolla could be doing a much, much better job of being open and realistic and honest with their goals and communications with their community of supporters

      • Avatar

        Thank you glen8ak for being an early supporter! We have been constantly trying our best to assess the situation as it changes (sometimes daily) and finding the right time to share the info. There is certainly room for improvement as we learn from our first crowdfunding campaign. However we do respond to both positive comments and those with helpful criticisms, such as yours. My apologies for the slight delay in response time, as you can see there have been many comments, and this is but one of my many tasks at Jolla.

  53. Avatar

    Jolla! You tease!!

    I’m quite excited, and these delays are only pushing me into learning more programming to satiate my thirst through playing around with Sailfish. No worries!

    Anyway – I am an American in Japan, and since I live here – I’m a little competent in the language. Now that the devices will be more delayed – I’d like to spend some time localizing (in hopes ‘Naver’ will jump on board aind port LINE Messenger over by September) – Where should I look for resources on HOW to localize for Sailfish?

    Thank you!

    • Avatar

      Hi Krijali, it was not our intention to tease (at least not with schedule changes), however I applaud your drive and determination! We look forward to seeing your apps and language contributions to Sailfish OS 🙂

      Regarding localization, we are working on a tool to accept community translations into Sailfish OS for languages we don’t yet support (such as Japanese). We hope to share info on that soon.

      In the meantime, there’s a non-official project by the community to do the same, you can find more info here. It looks like Japanese is about 97% translated!

      As for other aspects of localization, we would be happy to work with companies such as Naver. If you have any connections, we’re all ears 🙂 Personally I use LINE to communicate with my family in Taiwan, so count me in for supporting LINE!

      • Avatar

        Hello Carol,

        Oh awesome! This is great news. I’ll see what I can do.

  54. Avatar

    Guys, dont forget vaccations. most jollas having 4-6 weeks off during summer. starting mine today, hoping to see my tablet…some time in the future. what about an option to change to a jolla phone instead?

    • Avatar

      Actually many of us are postponing/shortening our summer vacations to take care of the tablet shipment progress and make sure things go smoothly (hopefully no more hiccups!). Personally I’m taking mine in September or later, when it’s not too hot in Asia 🙂

      You can contact Jolla service to ask about Tablet -> phone, although I suspect it will involve refunds and new order. But maybe our care experts have better ideas 🙂

      Enjoy your summer vacation!

  55. Avatar

    If I may suggest, send devices on the same day as developers (for those fans that cannot wait and for them whould like to try Jolla tablet “before” real shipping date eq. September) with additional contract, that if they encounter bug or whatever, that it is on their responsibility. They will be happy to get device sooner, and you will have more “beta” testers… In both situation it is win – win…

  56. Avatar

    I know that waiting another month or two for a product that was promised in May-June sucks! I know it is frustrating to read one blog post after another hoping to hear your tablet is ready to ship, only to read it is delayed, again! I realize that the hardware will be “out of date” and will be a generation or two behind the competition!

    However, you should not have contributed to the Jolla tablet campaign expecting quick delivery of a state-of-the-art tablet! You SHOULD have contributed to the Jolla tablet campaign expecting some hiccups along the way to the delivery of an awesome and unique Jolla tablet!

    By contributing, yes you are helping Jolla develop Sailfish OS 2.0 and expanding their partnership into more countries and their software onto more devices! And you are also buying a wonderful tablet. There was no promises that delivery would be on time! May-June 2015 was an “expected delivery date” not a “confirmed delivery date”!

    If we have to wait two or even three more months to get a rock solid Jolla tablet with Sailfish 2.0, it is well worth the wait!

  57. Avatar

    nothing else expected ,just hope to shipped in the time what you have estimated,no more disappointment,jolla

  58. Avatar

    Hi Carol,

    thanks for the update and for all the replies to user comments.

    While I do understand a certain disappointment I’m still impressed at the amount of work you’re pulling out. Are you still only 80 employees at Jolla?
    Any comparison with Samsung or Android is clearly misplaced, as those companies have clearly other numbers.

    Anyway I take the opportunity here to ask some OT questions:
    * phone batteries are getting old. will we be able to purchase official ones from the store soon?
    * after 1,5 year of Sailfish OS I still have browser and e-mail client problems with company-issued certificates. Will outsourcing hardware allow you to focus more on sw improvements such as these?

    • Avatar

      I don’t think a comparison between Samsung and Jolla is misplaced. Why? Because Jolla can go proudly in such a comparison. What they have reached with such a small amount of employees is really incredible. And look at Samsung: What has happened to Tizen???

      It’s is really amazing how people react on that delay. I have sometimes the feeling that people loose their sense for reality. Which makes me really sad.

      Sailfish is such a beautiful OS, build from just 100 people. But here the people are whining that the hardware is outdated just because the device is 3 month late!?

      What’s wrong with that hardware? It isn’t outdated as long as you can do with that device what you want to do. But of course, the grass of your neighbours garden is always greener than yours.

      Are you not self-confident enough to just look at your own needs? Of what use is the best hardware, when there is a crappy OS on it…

      Oh and don’t forget that guy who NEEDS the tablet for his holiday… Is that you first holiday or how could you survive the holidays before?

      I think everybody who has ever worked on a big project knows, that there can always happen unforeseen things and that this can cause a delay. That’s not nice but that’s Real Life.

      So all I can say to all the sailors is:
      Thank You for all the hard work!!! You created a fantastic OS and I’m waiting patiently, looking forward to September to see this OS on a probably great tablet.

      By the way, I never wanted to have a tablet. Just ordered it, to support your brilliant OS and the Team behind. Maybe these angry people should ask themselves, why they have ordered a Jolla tablet.

      • Avatar

        “So all I can say to all the sailors is:
        Thank You for all the hard work!!! You created a fantastic OS and I’m waiting patiently, looking forward to September to see this OS on a probably great tablet.

        By the way, I never wanted to have a tablet. Just ordered it, to support your brilliant OS and the Team behind. Maybe these angry people should ask themselves, why they have ordered a Jolla tablet.”


    • Avatar

      Hi s1m0n4, we are now at 128 sailors, so we grew a bit over the past year, still a small boat nevertheless 🙂

      I don’t have news about the batteries to share. However if you are having trouble with your battery (not charging, not holding charge, etc.) please contact Jolla service desk and we’ll do our best to help!

      Our plan is to focus more on Sailfish OS development, and you can read more about the vision in this article. Hope these answer your questions!

  59. Avatar

    Quite frankly I was very excited to try out this technology, but having to wait so long has steamed out my excitement.

    Moreover as pointed out, this is quite a PR disaster: saying something like “we had hardware problems” without explaining exactly what’s going on sounds more like “we didn’t manage to estimate how complex the HW business is”, and people, like me, start to loose trust.

    I really hope your technology IS amazing otherwise there will be no way I will support any campaign like this again.

  60. Avatar

    Looking forward to the tablet and sailfish 2.0, keep up the hard work!


  61. Avatar

    Hey folks. Always keep in mind you didn’t order a finalized product. You support(ed) a project. And you where promised a product, as soon as it’s finished. I am quite content with the current flow of information. Jolla informs us about what’s going on, and I am sure that they will deliver the tablets some day.
    Yes maybe they miscalculated the problems they’d face. But that’s what _supporting_ a project includes. They have to gather experience, and you (and me) where willing to help out with our money and our patience.
    Actually I prefer a working product that delivers late than a beautiful paperweight delivered on time.
    I really appreciate people who care more about quality than they do about deadlines. The world would be a better place if more people had this mindset.

    • Avatar

      “I really appreciate people who care more about quality than they do about deadlines. The world would be a better place if more people had this mindset.”

  62. Avatar

    Though I already bought 4 Jolla phones, including angry stella, which did NOT include a link to “cartoon TV”, which I erroneously expected.. and though I am an early adopter of the Jolla tablet, I am a bit disappointed by the way, Jolla is communicating with us. When I read the title “Jolla Tablet display and shipping update”, I expected a bit more than just “the problem is solved” and the delay is expended to september, which wasn’t even clearly mentioned.

    How about telling us frankly, what kind of display we can expect and which will be the latest possible date for the Jolla Tablet to be delivered?

    I am Swiss and we are used to speak frankly. I don’t like fussing around things.

    And I really suspect, I am not the only one thinking this way. Nonetheless, I like Jolla. But please!!!! Chose a frank way of communication!!!

    Thank you, guys!


    • Avatar

      Display specs are pretty much the same than initially .. only slightly better.

      Whats so big fuss about the display specs.. what kind of details you really want about it? It wasn’t very poor to begin with and for couple months Jolla has been saying it is better quality than before.

    • Avatar

      Hi rgsidler, please take a look at the Hardware update we just posted on the blog. It contains more information which I hope will satisfy you. Thanks for your continued support!

    • Avatar

      …including angry stella, which did NOT include a link to “cartoon TV”, which I erroneously expected…

      Cartoon TV of course is available on the Stella phone.

      In the Task Manager swipe from the right to the left and you can change the Ambience.

      In the Task Manager swipe from the left to the right and you can watch the Cartoon TV clips.


      • Avatar

        Thank you vision!

        Hi rgsidler, as vision mentioned, you should have access to ToonsTV with your “The Other Half Stella”. Please see this article on how to access it, and troubleshooting etc. If you still have problems, kindly contact Jolla Service and we’ll try to help you. Thanks!

  63. Avatar

    If someone does not want to wait, I would take the pledge.

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      I have 3 Tablets ordered via Indiegogo, one of them is the first one (189,-). They are all payed, 64GB upgraded, including shipping & Lastucases.

      If you would like to take over the 3 pledges, for 500 Euros you can get all of them.

      Mail me:

  64. Avatar

    A few months,who cares.
    Happy is worth waiting for.For example, a good device.I’so excited to get Sailfish powered tablet in my hands some day.Sooner or later,does no matter.Hot-blooded youngsters seem to be so
    impatient.It is understandable.It belongs to youth 😉 Birthdays comes and vacations goes but life goes on.
    Well Christmas we all have tablets in our hands.Count on it 🙂
    Meanwhile,folks,try Yoga.It helps for frustration etc. 😉

    Seriously, I wish all the best for Jolla crew.You do your best,that’s for sure.It is enough for me.

    • Avatar

      As a (west) German, this reminds me on the GDR and their “Trabant”. They need “Yoga” or something like it to survive. Order it 10 years before you want to use it. 🙁

      • Avatar

        no, as born behind the wall I can tell you: patience is the key to paradise 😉

  65. Avatar

    I think we’ve been quite understandable and patient … maybe a processor upgrade is in order, as a reward 🙂

  66. Avatar


    I am currently awaiting my new Jolla tablet. However,
    isn’t it about time Jolla either announced a new handset or announced an Indiegogo Campaign to develop a new handset? There is not much point in developing a market leading mobile OS and then only providing a middle-of-the-pack very run-of-the-mill handset to run it on. Granted you are developing partnerships with third party manufacturers but you do need to provide some eye-catching hardware to get the public’s attention. Something groundbreaking, akin to the Nokia N9. In my opinion hardware is a major handicap for your organisation.

  67. Avatar

    Carol Chen your evasive answers reminds me of our US politicians, we don’t think highly of them.TELL us the spec for the new display. Also if the tablet is such a good deal then offer those who has payed for them, clear steps on a refund process so others can take their orders. Why have us return the tablets to you when we don’t want them nor have they been shipped, what a waste of resources, unless Jolla feels these things are almost DOA (dead on arrival). I hate to be cynical but not bring completely transparent breeds it. By the way no vacation for no one at Jolla until this problem is solved, ALL HANDS ON DECK PLEASE! You have my money!

    • Avatar

      Hi heavyt, we have gathered info for a more detailed answer over the weekend, in this new post we just published. I hope it clarifies some of your doubts.

  68. Avatar

    This split-screen feature…Will that be ready for tablet release?

    • Avatar

      Hi Dave,
      Carol answered this one in an earlier reply:

      “The implementation for Split screen views is still scheduled for Q3, as you can see here. While we’ve had some hardware challenges which can affect overall development, we do our best to keep the software and OS progress going.”

      So no, the tablet is probably going to be in most people’s hands before the split-screen implementation has been completed.

      The link she noted is the development roadmap:

      • Avatar

        Thanks Copernicus for helping with the answer 🙂

  69. Avatar

    Opening the boot loader would be killing feature for all of us that would like to play and test the device…

  70. Avatar

    Great Thanks, as for all good things it takes time to grow!! Best wind to you (Jolla)

  71. Avatar

    As one of the November contributors I would strongly suggest that the Sailors and Carol take note:

    You claim that the change in display was an aesthetic decision based on the color palette in the model that went to MWC that wasn’t up to snuff. You claim that the tablet is a collaberative design decision. Therefore, you should have put the decision to a vote by the backers. “We want to change the display so that users will have a better experience. This change will delay the shipping date. Do you support the display change?”

    Take the poll and see if people are interesting in having the absolute best tablet, or if they don’t want to wait any more and take the hardware as is. Putting the opportunity cost in the hands of your consumers would greatly reduce the amount of dissatisfaction with the continuing delays on shipping this product. I would strongly suggest that going forward, any hardware changes that Jolla would like to do be put to a vote by the backers.

    • Avatar

      Hi hasteur, please take a look at this post we just published, which explains the display changes. Thanks.

      • Avatar

        Great to miss the entire point. I didn’t ask about the specs of the new display. I trust that there is a good reason. What I did ask is that because we’ve already slipped 2 delivery promises, that Jolla be a lot more forward with their decisions that affect “in hand delivery date” and get the approval from it’s existing customer base to change the hardware. Obviously this means getting the technical team to put out the case for supporting the change prior to the vote.

        To use an analogous situation: In software development, before we decide to push back a client deliverable we have to present a mock up or technical justification to the client as to why we’re going to push the deliverable back.

  72. Avatar

    I’m really frustrated about how unprofessionally this whole situation is being handled by Jolla.
    You’ve severly impacted your once positive image of the “underdog” vs. the big ones – actually I have half a mind to ask for my money back, as mentioned before by someone, by the time we will get the device it’s gonna be pretty standard bordering old hardware.
    Do you offer this option to your customers, Jolla? Think it would be a fair move, given you have made promises you couldn’t keep and left your customers in the dark for quite some time – and continue to do so with vague statements about delivery dates.

    • Avatar

      Hi Carol,

      while I certainly don’t envy your task at the moment, I do expect an answer to my comment.
      So – do we get the right to cancel our orders and get the money back?

      Thank you

      • Avatar

        Hi tice, please check this article about Cancellations & Refunds for more info. In the meantime, you can also read this blog post with more detailed update, with more to follow shortly.

  73. Avatar


    I can’t help it but your comment about old HW makes me laugh. Have you not learned anything? Consumer company’s launching new products just to make you buy it NOT because that new product is any better. If you are that kind of person who buys new toys every quarter you better go for bigger company’s instead of Jolla (or other small players.)

    For me it’s simple: I buy a product when I NEED it not because it has latest HW. I also buy products that is as open as possible and/or is refreshing.

    Summary is it seems you should not have ordered Tablet in the first place for above reason?

    Anyway, thats my personal opinion. And about canceling I think Carol already has answered that question in the last blog post in comments)

    Lets take it again:

    Or just wait to the release and I am sure you may sell it too a person that not care about latest HW 😉

  74. Avatar

    @ Mike7b4,

    thanks for sharing your wisdom and insight into marketing psychology with us less informed, we will forwever remain grateful.

    @ Carol,

    so in other words, you don’t refund any money at this point, although you delayed the shipment considerably through your decision to upgrade the screen which no one asked for.
    Instead, you make your customers go through the whole process of waiting for the device and then return it to you again?
    Wonderful. That will certainly help mitigate any frustration.

    I think what upsets me most is that Jolla does not seem to think they have made a mistake here by not asking the “community” beforehand whether they are willing to wait
    longer for their orders to ship if the screen would be updated. Not all of your community members are techy geeks, some are normal buyers who just want an alternative to Android and Apple, and frankly
    don’t care about whether your products are community developed or not. If you don’t want these customers, well, you’re on a good way to lose them.
    But if you do, then please don’t try to capitalize on a touchy feely forgiving community that supports your product, but start acting like a business that wants to make it out there, without having to
    rely on the benevolence of a community.

    • Avatar

      Since mike7b4 is clearly right, I guess this sarcastic tone is because you’re upset? You shouldn’t.
      Tell us rather with which tablet you do the comparison to call Jolla Tablet hardware “standard bordering old”. (And also, what you think will be soooo old in the hardware that your tablet would be unusable.) For 200$, it’s still quite cheap, even 1 year after.

      And I think you’re also wrong are about the screen change. Indeed, not all community member are techy geeks, and it’s because they don’t want to loose them that they want a perfectly crafted product. They also certainly expect to sell far more that the few thousands piece of the Indiegogo campaign, and it’s clearly a good choice to build a perfect product for all these future buyers, even if they loose few impatient people by doing that.

      For the refund, it has been clear since day 1.

      Despite all that, I agree that some regular and precise communication would have helped to keep people patient, I don’t understand Jolla on that.

      And I also wonder where is the page with all the names of the contributors that have bought the 10$ perk. This does not imply any hardware, and shouldn’t be too long to put in place, no? So I don’t understand why this perk delivery is late too. Carol do you know?

      • Avatar

        Hi Sthocs, thanks for bringing that up. I’ll look into it asap!

  75. Avatar

    So it’s turing September, could you please post an update when exactly we could expect the shipment? 🙂

  76. Avatar

    So it has now turned September and there is still no update.

    • Avatar

      Hi Dulog and GlenWalker, please see the most recent update by Sage here, and we will be sharing more in upcoming posts!

      • Avatar

        Carol, as you must be aware it is now September 18th and there has not been an update about the tablet shipments for the early backers. You ate also surely aware of all of the unhappy backers leaving comments on tge blog and asking for an update. To be clear for myslef and I am sure most of the backers we are unhappy about the silence from Jolla. We understand there maybe issues with the tablet and we simply want to know what is happening. The thing that is making everyone angry is the complete silence and lack of informstion from you and your colleagues. Can you please reply?

        Thank you

  77. Avatar

    Really very happy to say,your post is very interesting to read.I never stop myself to say something about it.You’re doing a great job.Keep it up.

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